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Department of Informatics

IfI News since 2010

News list

  • SRF CO2ntrol Streaming in der CO2-Bilanz Lorenz-Hilty

    In den Medien: TV oder Handy – Wie schneidet Streaming in der CO2-Bilanz ab?

    Im digitalen SRF-Umwelt und Klimaformat «SRF CO2ntrol» erklärt Lorenz Hilty, wie wir den Energieverbrauch beim Streamen kontrollieren können. 

  • Juergen Bernard

    Best Paper Award for Jürgen Bernard

    Jürgen Bernard has received the Best Paper Award at the IEEE Vis Conference 2021 for an interactive data science system developed in a collaboration with BMW.

  • Abraham Bernstein

    Horizonte: Gleiche Information, andere Schlussfolgerung

    Haben Status, Geschlecht oder Hautfarbe einen Einfluss auf Redezeit und Teilnahme? 

  • Janosch Baltensperger

    Congratulations for the Semester Award FS21

    Janosch Baltensperger has been awarded for his BSc thesis, entitled «Continuous Deep Learning. An in-depth investigation of the deep learning workflow».

  • Harald Gall

    ESEC/FSE 2021 Test of Time Award: Don’t touch my code!

    Congratulations! The paper Don’t touch my code! examining the effects of ownership on software quality by Christian Bird, Nachiappan Nagappan, Brendan Murphy (all Microsoft Research), Harald Gall (IfI), and Premkumar Devanbu (University of California, Davis) has won the ESEC/FSE Test of Time Award 2021.

    This award recognizes highly influential papers published ten years ago in the European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE).

    In 2019, Harald Gall was already one of the authors of a Test-of-Time-awarded publication.

  • Harald Gall and Pasquale Salza

    SNF grant for Harald Gall and Pasquale Salza: Machine Learning Assisted Software Development

    Congratulations! Harald Gall and Pasquale Salza have been granted SNF funding for their project Melise - Machine Learning Assisted Software Development.

  • Ingo Scholtes

    Professur für Ingo Scholtes in Würzburg

    Ingo Scholtes, SNF-Professor für Data Analytics am IfI, ist einem Ruf an die Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg gefolgt. Der neu eingerichtete Lehrstuhl für «Machine Learning for Complex Networks» befasst sich mit maschinellen Lernverfahren für Daten, die sich als Graphen darstellen lassen. Solche Verfahren sind in der Lage, Muster in Datensätzen zu erkennen, die nicht die Annahmen klassischer maschineller Lernverfahren erfüllen – wie sie bisher etwa bei Bild- und Audiodaten oder Textdaten angewendet werden.

  • Alberto Bacchelli

    SNF grant for Alberto Bacchelli: Software Engineers as Quality Experts

    Congratulations! Alberto Bacchelli, together with two co-applicants from Delft University of Technology, has been granted a project that investigates the question “what constitutes an expert in software quality”.

  • Coindesk Blockchain Ranking 2021

    Blockchain: UZH Best in Europe, 4th Worldwide

    Thanks to the Blockchain Center, the University of Zurich is on the fourth place in a ranking of 230 schools worldwide. Researchers from MIT and Stanford, together with Coindesk, looked at undergraduate and graduate programs, research and innovation at the faculty level, academic reputation, employment outcomes, and other aspects. Original article on Coindesk (with link to the methodology).

  • high-speed drones

    Flying High-Speed Drones with AI

    In a recent study published in Science Robotics, Davide Scaramuzza and his team trained an autonomous quadcopter to fly at up to 40 kilometers per hour through unknown environments without colliding with obstacles. The drone's neural network learns to avoid obstacles by watching a “simulated teacher”, i.e., an algorithm that flew a simulated drone in a virtual environment.

  • Luca Rossetto

    SNF Ambizione grant for Luca Rossetto

    Luca Rossetto from the Dynamic and Distributed Information Systems Group receives the Ambizione Grant for his MediaGraph project. Congratulations!

  • Claudio Tessone

    Claudio Tessone becomes Professor for Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technologies

    As of 1st August 2021 the Board of the University has appointed Claudio Tessone as Associate Professor ad personam for Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technologies. 

    Warmly welcome, Claudio!

  • Drohne

    Drohne besiegt Profi-Drohnenpiloten

    Der neu entwickelte Algorithmus von Davide Scramuzzas Forschungsteam lässt eine Drohne schneller fliegen als zwei Piloten. Zum ersten Mal gelingt dieser Erfolg.

  • Jürgen Bernard

    EuroVis 2021 Young Researcher Award to Jürgen Bernard

    Jürgen Bernard has received the EuroVis 2021 Young Researcher Awardin recognition of his outstanding contributions to the characterization, design, and evaluation of visual-interactive interfaces to combine the strengths of both humans and algorithms”.

    The laudatio by Eduard Gröller also points out that Jürgen’s papers are by now widely cited and that his career shows a very clear positive gradient.

    Congratulations, Jürgen!

  • Jan Bieser

    Home Office und Klimaschutz

    Jan Bieser hat sich in seiner Dissertation mit Umweltaspekten von Home Office und Co-Working befasst.

  • Promotionsfeier FS21

    Herzliche Gratulation zum Abschluss

    Wir gratulieren allen Absolventinnen und Absolventen und wünschen viel Erfolg für die Zukunft!

  • Natalia Obukhova

    Second place Award at ACM CHI 2021 conference

    Natalia Obukhova, a master's student from IfI, receives the second place award from the Student Research Competition at ACM CHI 2021 conference.

  • Liudmila Zavolokina

    DIZH postdoc fellowship for Liudmila Zavolokina

    Liudmila Zavolokina won one of four highly competitive DIZH postdoc fellowships for her research project «Digital ecosystems for public value creation». The DIZH (Digitalization Initiative of the Zurich Higher Education Institutions) will fund her research for four years. Congratulations!

  • Thomas Mannhart

    Congratulations for the Semester Award HS20

    Thomas Mannhart has been awarded a HS2020 Semester Award for his BSc thesis, entitled «A General-purpose Range Join Algorithm for PostgreSQL».

  • Zichao Zhang

    Zichao Zhang receives the Annual Award from the Faculty of Business and Economics

    The Annual Award 2021 goes to Zichao Zhang for his dissertation «Active Robot Vision: From State Estimation to Motion Planning». Congratulations!

  • Davide Scaramuzza

    Developing autonomous drones for space missions

    The research of the Robotics and Perception Group inspired the design of the drone technology behind NASA's Ingenuity helicopter.

  • Anton Fedosov

    Sharing Economy Communities and Their Supporting Technologies

    Anton Fedosov has been invited to participate in the Sharing and Caring podcast series. In the first episode, he joined a conversation with Susanne Bødker, professor of human-computer interaction at Aarhus University. 

  • Renato Pajarola

    SNF Sinergia grant for Renato Pajarola

    Renato Pajarola has received, together with partners from the EPFL and the University of Amsterdam, a Sinergia grant for the project «Narratives from the long tail: Transforming access to audiovisual archives». Congratulations!

  • PolygonSoftware

    UZH-Startup-Label für PolygonSoftware

    Die UZH-Informatikstudenten Joel Barmettler, Marius Högger und Frank Huber gründeten vor zwei Jahren PolygonSoftware. Jetzt wurde die Firma mit dem UZH-Startup-Label ausgezeichnet. Herzliche Gratulation!


  • Informatiktage 2021

    Informatiktage 2021

    Die Informatiktage gehen in die sechste Runde. Dieses Jahr stehen Schulklassen und Lehrpersonen im Mittelpunkt.

    Das Institut für Informatik bietet in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Science Lab UZH und dem «ehemaligen» Museum of Digital Art Online-Workshops an.

    Und zusammen mit dem Departement Informatik der ETH organisieren wir eine Informationsveranstaltung zum Informatik-Studium in Zürich.

    Unser Programmangebot auf der Website der Informatiktage.


  • Absturzsichere Drohne

    Wie Drohnen absturzsicher werden

    Das Forschungsteam von Davide Scaramuzza zeigt, wie eine Drohne vor dem Absturz bewahrt werden kann, wenn einer der vier Rotoren ausfällt.

  • Promotionsfeier 2020

    Herzliche Gratulation zum Abschluss

    Wir wünschen allen Absolventinnen und Absolventen viel Erfolg für die Zukunft!

  • Bernstein_Hilty

    Schweizer Digitaltage 2020

    Abraham Bernstein und Lorenz Hilty haben an den Schweizer Digitaltagen 2020 teilgenommen.

  • Abraham Bernstein

    Erfolgreicher Start für Forschungsprogramm «Digitale Transformation»

    «Das Nationale Forschungsprogramm «Digitale Transformation» (NFP-77) unter der Leitung von Abraham Bernstein ist erfolgreich gestartet.

  • Teachers of the Hour

    Teachers of the Hour 2020

    Michael Böhlen, Renato Pajarola und Sven Seuken wurden als "Teachers of the Hour" nominiert. Sie haben die digitale Lehre während der Coronakrise besonders gut umgesetzt.

  • Jan Bieser

    In den Medien: Digitales Treibhaus

    Der Anteil der Digitalisierung an den globalen Treibhausemissionen wird zwischen einem und drei Prozent der Gesamtemissionen geschätzt.

  • Abraham Bernstein

    Unirat der Universität Luzern

    Abraham Bernstein wurde vom Regierungsrat des Kantons Luzern zum neuen Mitglied des Universitätsrats ernannt. 

  • Next generation mobile networks

    Study on 5G and climate protection

    Together with Empa, Swisscom and Swisscleantech, the ISR Group has published a study on the impact of 5G mobile networks on climate protection in Switzerland.

  • Alberto Bacchelli

    SNF project grant for Alberto Bacchelli

    Congratulations! Alberto Bacchelli has received a SNF grant for the project «Enhanced Code Review: Using Context and Learning from Review Experience». The project will be supported with CHF 797'296.

  • Jan Bieser

    WEF Global Future Council on Cities of Tomorrow

    Jan Bieser has been nominated Fellow of the «Global Future Council on Cities of Tomorrow»  at the World Economic Forum. Congratulations!

  • Alberto Bacchelli

    Alberto Bacchelli Associate Professor ad personam for Empirical Software Engineering

    As of 21 September 2020 the Board of the University has appointed Alberto Bacchelli as Associate Professor ad personam for Empirical Software Engineering, starting on October 1, 2020. Congratulations!

  • Ingo Scholtes

    Data Science und Sozialwissenschaften - Eine Geschichte voller Missverständnisse

    Ingo Scholtes war Keynote Speaker an der Jahrestagung der deutschen Gesellschaft für Fachdidaktik.

  • Dan Olteanu

    Keynote at the Very Large Data Bases 2020 Conference

    Dan Olteanu was keynote speaker at VLDB (Very Large Data Bases 2020). VLDB is a premier annual international forum for data management and database researchers, vendors, practitioners, application developers, and users.

  • Juergen Bernard

    Jürgen Bernard becomes Assistant Professor for Interacting with Data

    As of 1 September 2020 the Board of the University has appointed Jürgen Bernard as Assistant Professor for Interacting with Data. 


    Warmly welcome, Jürgen!

  • Ingo Scholtes

    Die Wissenschaft der Komplexität

    In «ada», dem Magazin zur digitalen Transformation, spricht Ingo Scholtes über die rechnergestützte Analyse komplexer Systeme.


  •  Anikó Hannák

    SNF project grant for Anikó Hannák

    Anikó Hannák has received, together with Frank Esser, Sina Blassnig, and Claes de Vreese, a project grant from the Swiss National Research Program «Digital Transformation» (NRP 77). Congratulations!

  • Ingo Scholtes

    Soziologie und Informatik

    Im Data Science-Podcast «The Erium» spricht Ingo Scholtes über die Schnittstellen zwischen Soziologie und Data Science.


  • Abraham Bernstein: Covid-19 und die Digitale Gesellschaft

    Covid-19 und die Digitale Gesellschaft

    Ein Gespräch mit Abraham Bernstein, Professor für Informatik und Direktor der Digital Society Initiative, im Rahmen der UZH-i-Ringvorlesung «Covid-19: Universitäre Verantwortung in Zeiten globaler Verwerfungen».

  • Eine Drohne führt einen Matty Flip aus

    Drohnen lernen akrobatisches Manöver

    Das Forschungsteam von Davide Scaramuzza hat einen neuartigen Quadrokopter entwickelt.


  • Manuel Günther

    Manuel Günther becomes Assistant Professor for Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

    As of 1 July 2020 the Board of the University has appointed Manuel Günther as Assistant Professor for Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. 


    Warmly welcome, Manuel!

  • Klimaschutz durch digitale Technologien

    Klimaschutz durch digitale Technologien

    Die Forschungsgruppe «Informatik und Nachhaltigkeit» des IfI hat mit dem Borderstep-Institut und dem Digitalverband Bitkom die Auswirken der Digitalisierung auf den Klimaschutz untersucht. Die Metastudie wurde im Mai von Bitkom publiziert.


  • Abraham Bernstein

    In den Medien: Daten nutzen, denn Daten nützen

    Wie können Personendaten im Kampf gegen Covid-19 genutzt werden – ohne dass dabei Nachteile entstehen für die betroffenen Personen?

  • Dan Olteanu (Foto: Paul Tait)

    Dan Olteanu becomes Professor for Big Data Science

    As of 1 May 2020 the Board of the University has appointed Dan Olteanu as Professor for Big Data Science.

    Warmly welcome, Dan!

  • TA-Swiss Studie zu KI

    Wenn Algorithmen für uns entscheiden

    Im Umgang mit künstlicher Intelligenz (KI) empfiehlt die neue TA-Swiss Studie klare Regeln, Nachvollziehbarkeit und Transparenz.

  • Florian Ruosch_Rosni Kottekulam Vasu

    KurzarbeitGoesDigital und CrowdvsCovid

    Rosni Kottekulam Vasu und Florian Ruosch haben mit über 4600 Personen am Online-Hackathon «Versus Virus» teilgenommen.

  • Steffen Schuldenzucker_Gianluca Brero

    Early Postdoc.Mobility-Stipendien

    Steffen Schuldenzucker und Gianluca Brero haben je ein SNF-Early PostDoc.Mobility-Stipendium gewonnen. Herzliche Gratulation!

  • Scaramuzza_RPG Lab

    In den Medien: Die faltbare Drohne

    Die ideale Drohne gemäss Davide Scaramuzza unterstützt bei einem Erdbeben Feuerwehr und Rettungskräfte.

  • Drohne und dynamisches Hindernis

    In den Medien: Flinke Drohne

    Das Forschungsteam von Davide Scaramuzza verkürzt die Reaktionszeit von Drohnen. Dank spezieller Kameras und Algorithmen kann die Drohne jetzt erfolgreich ausweichen, auch wenn ein Ball aus drei Metern Entfernung mit 10 m/s geflogen kommt.

  • Chat Wacharamanotham

    Is sharing research on Github enough?

    A recently-awarded paper by Chat Wacharamanotham, Lukas Eisenring, Steve Haroz and Florian Echtler surveys a situation in HCI and gives some recommendations.  

  • Peter Stucki

    Peter Stucki, 1937–2020

    The University of Zurich and the Department of Informatics mourn the loss of
    Prof. Dr. Peter Stucki,
    full professor at IfI from 1985 to 2003 (former head of the MultiMedia Laboratory) and Dean of the Faculty of Business, Economics and Informatics from 1998 to 2002.

    We would like to convey our sincere condolences to his family.

  • Sven Seuken

    Im UZH Magazin: Wie Märkte klüger werden

    Der Informatikprofessor Sven Seuken hat sich auf das Design und die Analyse von elektronischen Märkten spezialisiert.

  • Abraham Bernstein

    Im UZH Magazin: Nicht weniger Arbeit, aber andere

    Abraham Bernstein, Professor für Informatik und Direktor der Digital Society Initiative, untersucht, wie sich menschliche und künstliche Intelligenz kombinieren lassen. 

  • Aniko Hannak

    Im UZH Magazin: Das verborgene Leben der Algorithmen

    Anikó Hannák ist Assistenzprofessorin für Social Computing. Sie erforscht, ob Algorithmen Vorurteile haben und wie sich diese Vorurteile auswirken.

  • Alberto Bacchelli

    Ric Holt Early Career Achievement Award for Alberto Bacchelli

    Alberto Bacchelli, SNF Professor at the Department of Informatics, has been awarded for his contributions on modern code reviewing by the Mining Software Repositories community.

  • DIZH

    Kantonsrat unterstützt DIZH

    Die Digitalisierungsinitiative der Zürcher Hochschulen kann mit einer Summe von 300 Millionen Franken starten. Der Kantonsrat hat die Unterstützung einstimmig beschlossen. 

  • Abraham Bernstein

    Abraham Bernstein appointed as SATW member

    Abraham Bernstein, Professor at the Department of Informatics, has been appointed as an individual member of the Swiss Academy of Engineering Sciences (SATW). 


  • Davide Scaramuzza

    ERC Consolidator Grant for Davide Scaramuzza

    Davide Scaramuzza, Professor at the Department of Informatics, wins a Consolidator Grant by the European Research Council (ERC). His project on the performance of flying robots in rescue operations will be supported by 2 million Euros.

  • Drohne

    Silber am internationalen Drohnenrennen

    Wir gratulieren Davide Scaramuzza und seinem Forschungsteam zum 2. Platz am internationalen Drohnenrennen «AlphaPilot Innovation Challenge».

  • Promotionsfeier HS19

    Herzliche Gratulation zum Abschluss

    Wir wünschen allen Absolventinnen und Absolventen viel Erfolg für die Zukunft!

  • Lorenz Hilty

    In den Medien: Wenn der Drucker verkündet, dass die Patronen leer sind

    Immer wieder passiert es, dass eigentlich gut funktionierende Hardware durch Software entwertet wird. 

  • Opernhaus Zürich

    Farewell, Beat!

    After about 33 years of supporting IfI professors, employees, and students, Beat Rageth started a new endeavor: His well-deserved retirement.

  • Valérie Erb

    FS2019 Semester Award for Bachelor Thesis

    Valérie Erb has been awarded a FS2019 Semester Award for her BSc thesis, entitled «Physio-Coach: Evaluation of digital and conventional coaching methods for home-based physiotherapy exercises".

  • Matthias Felix

    FS2019 Semester Award for Master Thesis

    Matthias Felix has been awarded a FS2019 Semester Award for his MSc thesis, entitled «Social Newsroom: Understanding News Reading in a Social Media Context».


  • Faltbare Drohne

    In den Medien: Die faltbare Drohne

    Davide Falanga und Kevin Kleber zeigen, wie sie am Prototyp der weltweit ersten faltbaren Drohne für Katastropheneinsätze tüfteln.

  • Aniko Hannak

    Aniko Hannak becomes Assistant Professor for Social Computing

    Aniko Hannak will formally start her professorship January 1, 2020, but joins IfI November 1, 2019, already.

    Warmly welcome, Aniko!

  • Gerhard Schabe and Burkhard Stiller

    Zurich meets Seoul

    UZH is partner at the festival «Zurich meets Seoul» with events on «Zurich and Seoul Blockchained (Scholarly Block)» and «Zurich and Seoul Blockchained: History, status and future of the internet of value».

  • Portrait Lorenz Hilty

    In den Medien: Chancen für smarten Umweltschutz

    Es gibt drei Bereiche, erklärt Lorenz Hilty, in denen die Chancen der Digitalisierung überwiegen, wenn die Technik richtig eingesetzt wird. 

  • Abraham Bernstein

    Abraham Bernstein: Digital Shaper 2019

    Abraham Bernstein, Professor am Institut für Informatik und Gründer der Digital Society Initiative der UZH, wird zu einem der 100 Digital Shapers 2019 gekürt. Herzliche Gratulation!

  • Portrait Fabio Palomba

    SNF Ambizione grant for Fabio Palomba

    Our society runs on software: Ranging from financial transactions to health treatments, and more, we rely on software systems. As we witness in the news, the emergence of serious faults sometimes lead to dramatical societal consequences.

    The TEst coDe (TED) project aims at bringing software testing to the next level. 



  • Semesterstart

    Semesterstart 16.9.2019

    Das Herbstsemester 2019 beginnt am Montag, 16. September 2019.

  • Ingo Scholtes Portraitfoto

    Inaugural lecture by Ingo Scholtes

    On September 16, Ingo Scholtes will discuss challenges in the analysis of temporal data on social, technical, and biological systems from a data science and machine learning perspective.

  • Prof. Lorenz Hilty

    In den Medien: Wie klimaschädigend ist Videostreaming wirklich?

    Videostreaming sei so klimaschädigend wie Flugreisen – das ist eine weitverbreitete Annahme. Aber stimmt das überhaupt? Im Tages-Anzeiger nimmt Lorenz Hilty Stellung dazu.

  • Level up

    Master's programs: Application is now open

    Join one of our Master's programs in Informatics. 

  • Drohnenrennen Alphapilot

    In den Medien: Drohnenrennen in den USA

    Das Team von Davide Scaramuzza spielt in der Forschung zu autonom fliegenden Drohnen weltweit an vorderster Front mit.

  • Search & Rescue Challenge 2019

    Winners of Search & Rescue Challenge

    Manasi Muglikar from the Robotics and Perception Group and her team won the RSS-ARCHE Search & Rescue Challenge. Congratulations!

  • Lorenz Hilty Unirat Universität Konstanz

    Lorenz Hilty im Unirat der Universität Konstanz

    Der Senat der Universität Konstanz hat Lorenz Hilty neu als Mitglied in den Universitätsrat gewählt. Am Institut für Informatik lehrt und forscht er unter anderem im Bereich Digitalisierung und nachhaltige Entwicklung.

  • Martin Volk Doppelprofessur

    Martin Volk übernimmt Doppelprofessur am Institut für Informatik

    Martin Volk, Leiter des Instituts für Computerlinguistik (CL), wird seine Vorlesungen ab Herbstsemester 2019 sowohl in der Philosophischen Fakultät wie in der Wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Fakultät anbieten.

  • Department of Informatics

    ESEC/FSE 2019: Test of Time Award goes twice to the Department of Informatics

    Congratulations for «Cross-project Defect Prediction: A Large Scale Experiment on Data vs. Domain vs. Process» by Thomas Zimmermann, Nachiappan Nagappan, Harald Gall, Emanuel Giger, and Brendan Murphy.

    And congratulations for «Fair and balanced?: Bias in Bug-fix Datasets» by Christian Bird, Adrian Bachmann, Eirik Aune, John Duffy, Abraham Bernstein, Vladimir Filkov, and Premkumar Devanbu. 

  • DESRIST 2019 Paper Award

    DESRIST 2019: Best Paper Award 2019

    The Vinton Cerf Best Paper Award goes to Liudmila Zavolokina, Noah Zani, and Gerhard Schwabe for their study «Why Should I Trust a Blockchain Platform? Designing for Trust in the Digital Car Dossier». Congratulations!

  • Drohnen-Rennen

    Wettkampf der weltbesten Drohnenteams

    Davide Scaramuzza und sein Forschungsteam hat sich qualifiziert für das internationale  Drohnenrennen «AlphaPilot Innovation Challenge». 

  • Ingo Scholtes

    FOSS Impact Award

    A special mention at the leading Software Engineering Conference MSR 2019 goes to Christoph Gote and Ingo Scholtes, professor at the Department of Informatics, for their work «git2net: Mining Time-Stamped Co-Editing Networks from Large git Repositories».

  • Promotionsfeier Mai 2019

    Herzliche Gratulation zum Abschluss

    Wir gratulieren allen Absolventinnen und Absolventen und wünschen viel Erfolg für die Zukunft!

  • Universität Zürich

    Innovation: UZH auf Platz 9

    Die Universität Zürich zählt zu den innovativsten Universitäten Europas.

  • CHI 2019 Best Paper Award

    CHI 2019: Best Paper Award

    The Best Paper Award at the CHI 2019 in Glasgow (UK) goes to Alexander Eiselmayer, Chat Wacharamanotham, Michel Beaudouin-Lafon and Wendy E. Mackay. 



  • Alain Gut (Foto: Frank Brüderli)

    Alumni Award für Alain Gut

    UZH Alumni stiftet erstmals den Alumni Award. Der Preis geht an Alain Gut.

    Herzliche Gratulation!

  • Chat Wacharamanotham

    UZH-Lehrpreis für Chat Wacharamanotham

    Chat Wacharamanotham ist seit Juni 2016 UZH-Professor für Interaction Design bzw. Human Computer Interaction (HCI), ein interdisziplinäres Fachgebiet zwischen Informatik, Psychologie und Design.

    Für sein Engagement erhält er den Lehrpreis 2019 (Credit Suisse Award for Best Teaching).

    Herzliche Gratulation!

  • Kathleen M. Carley

    Ehrendoktortitel für Prof. Kathleen M. Carley

    Die Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät der Universität Zürich hat den Ehrendoktortitel an Kathleeen M. Carley von der Carnegie Mellon University verliehen. 

    Herzliche Gratulation!

  • Application

    Master's programs: Apply by 30 April 2019

    Join one of our Master's programs in Informatics. And do not forget to apply by 30 April 2019.

  • Award Ceremony

    Drone Hero Europe 2019

    Davide Falanga and Kevin Kleber from the Robotics and Perception Group won the Innovative Drone Hero Europe contest 2019 in Amsterdam. Congratulations!

  • Davide Scaramuzza

    In the media: Are faster drones possible?

    The camera-based perception is the greatest challenge of autonomous drone flight.

  • E-Voting

    In den Medien: E-Voting

    Burkhard Stiller spricht über das E-Voting-System.

  • Verein Cardossier

    cardossier-Community gründet Verein

    Am 5. März 2019 wurde in Zürich der Verein cardossier gegründet. Der Verein entwickelt, orchestriert und betreibt die cardossier-Plattform, die den Lebenszyklus eines Fahrzeugs auf einer Blockchain digital abbildet. 

  • Portrait-Foto Gerhard Schwabe

    In den Medien: Blockchain verstehen

    Gerhard Schwabe stellt in der SRF-Sendung «Einstein» das Cardossier-Projekt vor. 

  • Software VIAN

    Computergestützte Ansätze für das Fach Filmwissenschaften

    Mit der am Institut für Informatik entwickelten Software VIAN werden Filme analysiert, die zwischen 1895 und 1995 entstanden sind.


  • IMRG Paper Award

    HICSS 2019 und ICIS 2018: Erfolg für Blockchain-Paper

    Auf der Konferenz HICSS 2019 und auf der Konferenz ICIS 2018 wurden drei Blockchain-Paper von Gerhard Schwabes Forschungsgruppe nominiert. 

  • Volker Dellwo

    In den Medien: Die Stimme verstellen bringt nichts

    Phonetik-Professor Volker Dellwo vom Institut für Computerlinguistik gibt einen Einblick in die Stimmforensik.

  • Informatiktage 2020

    AUSFALL WEGEN COVID-19 Informatiktage 2020


    Aufgrund der aktuellen Situation bezüglich COVID-19 müssen wir leider sämtliche Veranstaltungen der Universität Zürich absagen. Die angemeldeten Personen wurden bereits informiert. Wo möglich, werden wir zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt Ersatztermine anbieten.

    Wir danken für Ihr Interesse an unseren Veranstaltungen und hoffen auf Ihr Verständnis. Bleiben Sie gesund!


    An den fünften Zürcher Informatiktagen öffnen Firmen und Organisationen in den Regionen Zürich und Winterthur erneut ihre Türen für die Bevölkerung. Auch die Universität Zürich ist wieder mit dabei: Im Angebot sind Kurse für Kinder und Schulklassen sowie Vorträge mit Podiumsdiskussionen für Erwachsene.

  • Drone in Rescue Missions

    In the media: Drone in Rescue Missions

    Researchers from the Robotics and Perception Group at the University of Zurich and the Laboratory of Intelligent Systems at EPFL created a new foldable drone.

  • Graduations December 2018

    BSc, MSc, and PhD Graduations 🎓

    The Department of Informatics congratulates its 10 Bachelor, 25 Master, and 8 PhD students to their degrees!

  • Portrait-Foto Avi Bernstein

    Chancen und Risiken der Digitalisierung

    Im Auftrag des Bundesrats schreibt der Schweizerische Nationalfonds das Nationale Forschungsprogramm «Digitale Transformation» (NFP 77) aus. Abraham Bernstein präsidiert die Leitungsgruppe des NFP 77. 

  • Portrait-Foto Avi Bernstein

    In den Medien: Der digitale Wandel in der Schweiz

    Abraham Bernstein hat als Gast den SRF-Themenabend «Dataland» begleitet.

  • Lorenz Hilty an der Konferenz Bits & Bäume

    Keynote an der Bits & Bäume-Konferenz

    Lorenz Hilty war Keynote Speaker an der Bits & Bäume-Konferenz in Berlin. Seine Hauptthese: Die digitale Technologie hätte das Potential, den Energie- und Materialverbrauch in Produktion und Konsum zu senken. Aber leider wird diese Chance nicht ausreichend genutzt. 

  • Portrait-Foto Renato Pajarola

    Visual Computing ACM-Lectures available

    Renato Pajarola has been appointed as a Distinguished Speaker for the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).


  • DSI-Professuren

    In den Medien: UZH-Fokus auf Digitalisierung

    Die UZH Digital Society Initiative (DSI) wurde vor zwei Jahren vom Informatik-Professor Abraham Bernstein gegründet. Nun wächst die UZH Digital Society Initiative (DSI). Achtzehn neue Professuren im Bereich Digitalisierung werden geschaffen.

  • Four Open Professorships

    We are hiring! These four professorships are currently available at the Department of Informatics:

    Assistant Professorship in AI and Machine Learning
    (Non-tenure Track)

    Assistant Professorship in Interacting with Data
    (Non-tenure Track)

    Professorship in Big Data Science

    Professorship in Human and Crowd Computing


    Application deadline: 30 November 2018.

  • Cristina Sarasua

    In den Medien: Die Verlässlichkeit von Wikidata und Wikipedia

    Über die Mechanismen und Tools der Wikimedia-Projekte spricht Cristina Sarasua im Interview.


  • best_paper_award_EnviroInfo2018

    EnviroInfo 2018: Best Paper Award

    Maria J. Pouri, PhD student at the Department of Informatics and her supervisor Lorenz Hilty, got the best paper award at the EnviroInfo 2018 for their contribution «ICT-Enabled Sharing Economy and Environmental Sustainability – a Resource-oriented Approach». The conference was held at the Leibniz Supercomputing Centre in Garching near Munich.

    Foto: Allesandro Podo, LRZ

  • Burkhard Stiller

    Burkhard Stiller: Member of Scientific Council in Luxembourg

    The Luxemburg National Research Fund (FNR) is the main funder of research activities in Luxembourg.


  • EU-Project Evocation

    H2020-MSCA-ITN Grant for Renato Pajarola's EU-Project EVOCATION

    Renato Pajarola, Chairman of the Department of Informatics, wins a substantial funding for EVOCATION, a project led in cooperation with colleagues from the University of Rostock, Centro di Ricerca, Sviluppo e Studi Superiori in Sardegna, TU Wien and Frauenhofer IGD. The project in the field of Visual and Geometric Computing will be supported with 3.6M Euro in total.

    The 3D market is expected to boom in the near future. And a new generation of researchers is needed. The project "Advanced Visual and Geometric Computing for 3D Capture, Display, and Fabrication" (EVOCATION) focuses on creating a leading European-wide doctoral Collegium.  

  • Davide Scaramuzza

    «100 Ways of Thinking» mit Davide Scaramuzzas Drohnen

    Anlässlich der Langen Nacht der Zürcher Museen am 1. September 2018 zeigt Davide Scaramuzza zwei Experimente mit Drohnen.


  • Renato Pajarola

    Renato Pajarola appointed new Chairman of the Department of Informatics

    The University of Zurich has appointed Renato Pajarola as new Chairman of the Department of Informatics (IfI) as of August 2018. Building on the foundations laid by his predecessor Abraham Bernstein, he will continue guiding IfI into a bright future. Several professorships are coming up, student numbers are growing, and many of IfI’s research topics are flourishing.


  • TA-Swiss Studie KI

    Welche Auswirkung hat künstliche Intelligenz auf die Gesellschaft?

    Im Auftrag der Stiftung TA-Swiss arbeiten drei Institutionen zusammen, um die Herausforderungen der künstlichen Intelligenz zu analysieren: Die Eidgenössische Materialprüfungs- und Forschungsanstalt (Empa), die Digital Society Initiative der Universität Zürich und das Institut für Technikfolgen-Abschätzung der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften (ÖAW).

  • 10 vor 10 Davide Scaramuzza

    In den Medien: Drohnen in Katastrophengebieten

    Davide Scaramuzza und sein Forschungsteam entwickelt autonom fliegende Drohnen.

  • ERC Grant 2018 Sven Seuken

    ERC Starting Grant for Sven Seuken

    Sven Seuken, Associate Professor at the Department of Informatics, wins a starting grant by the European Research Council (ERC). His research project at the intersection of Market Design and Machine Learning will be supported with 1’375’000 Euro.
    Why do some marketplaces like eBay and AirBnB work well, while others don’t? And which market mechanisms and algorithms guarantee economic efficiency, fairness, and computational feasibility?
    Sven Seuken’s research focuses on these key questions. 

  • Davide Scaramuzza

    In den Medien: Renn-Parcours mit Hindernissen

    Das Forschungsteam von Davide Scaramuzza konstruiert «sportliche» Drohnen.

  • CGI 2018: 2nd Best Paper Award

    CGI 2018: 2nd Best Paper Award

    Reconstructing and visualizing sharp corners of an object in a faithful way is a challenging task in computer graphics.
    A new method developed by the VMML researchers allows to compute normal vectors around such corners in a faster way by removing redundant calculations.

  • Car Dossier

    In den Medien: Weniger Risiko beim Kauf von Gebrauchtwagen

    Die Blockchain-Technologie wird viele Geschäftsfelder beeinflussen und sie transparenter und sicherer machen. 

  • Building-Scale Reconstruction

    UZH Research Grant for Claudio Mura

    Claudio Mura has received the research grant «Forschungskredit» from the University of Zurich.

  • Sushi

    Farewell, Enrico!

    After almost 40 years of supporting IfI professors, employees, and students, Enrico Solcà started a new endeavor: His well-deserved retirement.

  • IfI Summer School Impressions

    PhD Summer School 2018

    The IfI Summer School 2018 has a hot topic: More than 60 students from 10 countries are attending the courses on «Machine Learning».

  • Martin Glinz

    Martin Glinz im Beirat von 3L Informatik

    Die Verbände SwissICT und Schweizer Informatik Gesellschaft haben das Joint-Venture 3L Informatik gegründet, um «die Aktualität von Fachwissen in der Informatik sichtbar zu machen».

  • Davide Scaramuzza mit Drohne

    Höhenflug mit Deep Learning

    Die Drohnen aus Davide Scaramuzzas Robotics and Perception Group können selbständig in der Stadt herumfliegen.

  • Graduation BSc MSc PhD

    BSc, MSc, and PhD Graduations 🎓

    The Department of Informatics congratulates its 47 Bachelor, 20 Master, and 6 PhD students for having successfully completed their degrees! 🎉

  • 10vor10_Netzsperre

    Burkhard Stiller on Network Blocking in "10 vor 10"

    On 10 June 2018, Swiss citizens will vote on blocking access to online gambling sites.

  • REFSQ 2018 Award

    REFSQ 2018 Best Paper Award

    Sofija Hotomski, Eya Ben Charrada, and Martin Glinz have won the Best Paper Award at REFSQ 2018. 


  • Portrait-Foto Avi Bernstein

    Alle müssen lernen, mit Daten umzugehen

    Interview mit Abraham Bernstein zum Thema «Wie machen wir unser Bildungssystem für die Digitalisierung fit?». 


  • Portrait-Foto Ingo Scholtes

    SNSF Professorship at IfI: Ingo Scholtes

    Ingo Scholtes, senior assistant and lecturer at ETH Zurich, has just been awarded a professorship by the Swiss National Science Foundation and will be joining the Department of Informatics of the University of Zurich this summer. His research topic is "Next-Generation Network Analytics for Time Series Data".

    Welcome to the IfI, Ingo!

  • Volker Dellwo

    Wer spricht denn da? Synthetische Stimmen täuschend echt

    Phonetik-Professor Volker Dellwo über die menschliche Stimme im Zeitalter der Digitalisierung. 

  • Abraham Bernstein

    Is digital democracy too risky – or the chance of a generation?

    Abraham Bernstein is one of the experts discussing the chances and risks of digital democracy.

  • Graduation BSc MSc PhD

    BSc, MSc, and PhD Graduations

    The Department of Informatics congratulates its 30 Bachelor, 25 Master, and 13 PhD students for having successfully completed their degrees! 🎉

  • Portrait-Foto Avi Bernstein

    Abraham Bernstein on Digitalization and Politics

    Abraham Bernstein encourages the government to embrace digitalization also in political processes. 

  • Portrait-Foto Thomas Fritz

    Thomas Fritz appointed Professor for Human-Oriented Software Engineering

    Thomas Fritz has been appointed Associate Professor for Human-Oriented Software Engineering.

  • Photo by Michael Longmire on Unsplash

    Bitcoins vs. Bargeld

    Wie sicher ist die Bezahlung mit Bitcoins wirklich?


  • Portrait-Foto Burkhard Stiller

    Burkhard Stiller über Blockchains

    Im Rahmen der UZH Lunchveranstaltung «Digitales Marketing und digitale Transformation» hielt Burkhard Stiller einen Vortrag.

  • Sven Seuken

    Sven Seuken among "Top 40 under 40"

    Sven Seuken was selected by the magazine Capital as one of the outstanding talents under 40 years. Congratulations! 

  • Live Paper in SRF Wissen

    In der Hypothekarbank Lenzburg kommt «Live Paper» zum Einsatz: Objekte der realen Welt (Papierblätter, menschliche Hände) werden über ein Projektionssystem mit digitalen Inhalten kombiniert. Entwickelt wird das Projekt von der Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz zusammen mit Informatikern der Information Management Research Group. Beitrag auf der Seite von «SRF Wissen»

  • UZH Teaching Funds for ZPAC project

    Each year the University of Zurich supports innovative concepts in teaching. The project ATStat: Active Training in Statistics (Chat Wacharamanotham, People and Computing Lab, together with Carolin Strobl, Rudolf Debelak, and Stella Bollmann from the Department of Psychology) is one of this year's funding recipients.

  • UZH-Lehrkredit für IMRG-Projekt

    Jedes Jahr schreibt die Universität Zürich einen kompetitiven Lehrkredit zur Unterstützung innovativer Lehrprojekte aus. Erfahrbare ERP-Systeme und ERP-Systementwicklung (Gerhard Schwabe, Information Management Research Group) hat in der Ausschreibung 2017 einen Zuschlag gekriegt.

  • AutoCycle

    Blockchain-based Car Dossier

    Managing the history of a vehicle is useful for insurance companies, garages, used-car dealers, and other stakeholders. Blockchain technology has the potential to ensure a transparent and secure way the stakeholders can access and administer this information.

    Swiss software company AdNovum in cooperation with the Information Management Research Group and other partners is now developing a Car Dossier based on blockchain technology.


  • Das Finanzwesen im Umbruch

    Am Swiss FinTech Innovation Lab der Universität Zürich dreht sich alles um die Frage: Wie lässt sich moderne Technologie im Finanzwesen nutzen, um den Finanz- und Versicherungsplatz Schweiz für die Zukunft fit zu machen?

    Portrait in den UZH News.

  • Swiss FinTech Innovation Lab on Digital Change

    The Swiss FinTech Innovation Lab of the University of Zurich was established in 2016 by the Department of Informatics and the Department of Banking and Finance. Its research revolves around the question: How can modern technologies be used to make the Swiss financial sector fit for the digital future?

    Portrait in UZH News.

  • Procivis and Communication Systems Group develop Blockchain-based e-voting solution

    The Communication Systems Group and Swiss e-government startup Procivis will develop an electronic voting solution. Based on Blockchains, the platform will cover the entire voting process and is planned to be made available publicly as open source software. More…

  • Drones can almost see in the dark

    A group of researchers around Davide Scaramuzza, head of the Robotics and Perception Group, have taught drones to orient themselves using an eye-inspired event camera. This enables agile maneuvers even in low-light environments.

    Video (on Youtube)

    UZH News release…

  • Wenn Computer lügen lernen

    Vom 22. bis 24. September findet in Vitznau der Salon Public statt. Unter dem Motto «Kluge Köpfe erklären die Welt» werden Themen wie die Digitalisierung, das Weltall, Armut und das Gehirn diskutiert. Abraham Bernstein (Dynamic and Distributed Information Systems Group) erklärt die künstliche Intelligenz.

    Der Eintritt ist frei, Anmeldung ist erforderlich.

  • Awards at RE'17 for RERG members

    Apart from Martin Glinz' Most Influential Paper Award, members of the Requirements Engineering Research Group have been collecting other trophies: Parisa Ghazi, Zahra Shakeri Hossein Abad and Martin Glinz have won the Best Poster and Research Demo Award at the 25th IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference. More…


  • SNSF Professorship at IfI: Alberto Bacchelli

    Alberto Bacchelli, former assistant professor at TU Delft, has joined IfI in August. He was awarded a professorship by the Swiss National Science Foundation and is now establishing the “Zurich Empirical Software Engineering Team” (ZEST) here. Welcome to the IfI, Alberto!

  • Martin Glinz receives the Most Influential Paper Award at RE’17

    Martin Glinz, head of the Requirements Engineering Research Group, received the Most Influential Paper Award at the 25th IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference for his paper "On Non-Functional Requirements" from ten years ago. More…


  • BandwidthX Appoints Sven Seuken as Chief Economist

    Sven Seuken, head of the Computation and Economics Research Group at IfI, has been appointed Chief Economist at BandwidthX, the operator of a B2B cloud-based mobile data market. At BandwidthX, Sven Seuken will be overseeing the design and analysis of market mechanisms and trading rules.

    Congratulations on this appointment!

    Read the full story here!

  • Es geht um unsere Zukunft

    Die Schweiz macht digital mobil: Abraham Bernstein (Dynamic and Distributed Information Systems Group) und Jürgen Schmidhuber (Università della Svizzera Italiana) gehören zu den hellsten Köpfen der Schweiz. Bericht des SonntagsBlicks vom 10. September 2017

  • CSG partner raises 4.2 million USD in 10 minutes

    Pioneering the use of blockchain and IoT technologies in the pharmaceutical supply chain, UZH start-up partners with Burkhard Stiller's Communication Systems Group. This technology is hot: On its first day was offered at the International Token Offering it raised 4.2 Million USD within 10 minutes! More…

  • Cross-disciplinary Project between the Department of Film Studies and IfI

    Prof. Pajarola's research group, the Visualization and MultiMedia Lab, is supporting the ERC AdvG research project FilmColors. Bridging the Gap Between Technology and Aesthetics of Prof. Barbara Flückiger through the development of film and color analysis tools as presented at the Workshop on Computer Vision in Digital Humanities as part of the Digital Humanities Conference 2017 in Montreal.

    See the article of the Special Interest Group AudioVisual material in Digital Humanities here.

  • Two New Associate Professorships at IfI

    As per 1 September 2017, the Board of the University has appointed Dr. Davide Scaramuzza as Associate Professor ad Personam for Robotics and Perception and Dr. Sven Seuken as Associate Professor for Computation and Economics.

    The Department Management and everybody at IfI congratulate Davide and Sven on their appointments! 🎉

  • CAPATHITY: Simulating the Post-fossil Swiss City

    The Informatics and Sustainability Research group and Empa’s Technology and Society Lab will work together on CAPATHITY (Constraint-Aware Pathways to the Post-Fossil Swiss City).

    This project is supported by the National Research Program 73 "Sustainable Economy" and aims to provide both visionary and realistic pathways to a post-fossil economy.

    A major outcome of CAPATHITY will be a simulation game that shows what the "Swiss City" 2050 could look like. The simulations take into account materials, technology, the natural environment, and societal constraints.


  • New Study on Digitalization and Climate Protection Published

    The Informatics and Sustainability Research group published a new study on “Opportunities and Risks of Digitalization for Climate Protection in Switzerland” in cooperation with the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) and Swisscom, authored by Lorenz Hilty and Jan Bieser.


  • 100 Digital Shapers 2017: Die Vordenker

    Das Schweizer Wirtschaftsmagazin Bilanz hat 100 Menschen zu den «Digital Shapers 2017» gekürt.

    Abraham Bernstein, Gründer der UZH Digital Society Initiative, gehört dabei zu den Vordenkern: «Sie denken ihrer Zeit voraus und sehen das grosse Ganze: Was macht die Digitalisierung mit dem Menschen und der Gesellschaft?»

  • Globales Hirn: Interview in UZH News

    Interview in den UZH News: «Die Digitalisierung beschleunigt die Wissenschaft und verändert die Forschung. Abraham Bernstein und Michael Hengartner über die digitale Revolution und die Rolle der UZH.» Zum Beitrag

  • We put the "IfI" in "Scientifica" :-)

    The Department of Informatics is represented with a number of events at this year's Scientifica:

    Exhibition: Wie aus räumlichen Daten Wissen wird: Big Data in 3D

    Exhibition: Wie fliegende Roboter sehen lernen

    Exhibition: Zürich interaktiv

    Science Café: Mehr Daten – weniger Verbrauch?

    Science Café: Nehmen Roboter uns die Arbeit weg?

    Show: Fliegende Roboter

    Talk: Wenn Computer Hilfe brauchen - Datenanalyse mit Crowds

    Workshop: Data Science im Unternehmen: Was können Sie aus Ihren Daten herausholen?

    Visit us at Scientifica from 1 to 3 September at the main buildings of UZH and ETHZ!

  • Thomas Puschmann appointed Innovation Council member

    As of 1 January 2018, Innosuisse will take over the functions of the current Commission for Technology and Innovation (CTI). The Innosuisse Board has now appointed the 20 members of the Innovation Council. Thomas Puschmann from the Swiss FinTech Innovation Lab is one of them -- congratulations!

  • Bernstein 10 vor 10

    Fokus: Social Bots

    Was sind Social Bots? Wie beeinflussen sie die öffentliche Meinung?

    Antworten gibt Abraham Bernstein im Beitrag in «10 vor 10», SRF vom 4. Juli 2017

  • Das Shopping der Zukunft

    Wie kann maschinelles Lernen die Zukunft des Shoppings verbessern? Wie sieht es mit der Werbung aus?

    Antworten gibt Abraham Bernstein im Interview auf Radio SRF: Wirtschaftsmagazin «Trend» vom 1. Juli 2017 (ab Minute 20).

  • Kickstarting the UX/HCI Community in Thailand

    Chat Wacharamanotham and his colleagues in Thailand had been awarded a funding from ACM SIGCHI Development Fund to organize a workshop to kickstart UX/HCI community in Thailand.

    The workshop held on 11 June 2017 attracted 28 practitioners and academics. Participants brainstormed about problems and action items for the UX/HCI community in Thailand. The results of this workshop are a concrete plan to grow the community as well as the founding of ThaiCHI: The Thai ACM SIGCHI Local Chapter of which Chat Wacharamanotham is now the secretary.

  • Informatiktage 2017

    Informatiktage 2017 at IfI

    For informatics you need full concentration, keen perception – and some perseverance, too. But in the end it’s a lot of fun!

    Visitors of the Informatiktage 2017 had the opportunity to experience this for themselves at the Department of Informatics on 16 and 17 June.

    We look forward to many visitors again next time!

  • Semester Award for Markus Göckeritz

    DDIS student Markus Göckeritz wins the University of Zurich's Semester Award for his bachelor thesis Quantifying and Correcting the Majority Illusion in Social Networks. Each term 30 outstanding term projects and theses from all faculties are awarded by the president of the university.


  • Martin Glinz’ Farewell Lecture

    In an almost fully-packed lecture hall at Binzmühlestrasse, Martin Glinz held his farewell lecture, reminiscing about the history of Requirements Engineering – and his own part in it. Before being greeted with an apéro in the entrance hall, the crowd was pleased to hear that Martin will be staying two more years at IfI, making his transition from Requirements Engineering to Retirement Engineering a smooth one.

  • Robotics and Perception Group Wins 2017 Misha Mahowald Prize

    Davide Scaramuzza's Robotics and Perception Group wins this year's Misha Mahowald Prize "for their pathbreaking applications of neuromorphic engineering to robot navigation". Congratulations!

  • FlowLight: A Highlight of IfI Research

  • FlowLight in the New Scientist

    “Can’t you see I’m busy? A desk-mounted traffic light system automatically measures how hard a person is working to tell would-be interrupters when to stay well away.”

    The New Scientist reports about the FlowLight system, which was developed by SEAL (Thomas Fritz, Manuela Züger, André Meyer) and ABB (David Shepherd).

    FlowLight measures a worker's activity and indicates with a color LED light whether he or she may or may not be interrupted.

    (Image credit: FlowLight Team)

  • Timo Mennle wins 2017 Mercator Award!

    Dr. Timo Mennle, who finished his PhD under Prof. Sven Seuken's supervision in 2016, won the prestigious Mercator Award for the best PhD thesis in Law and Economics. The award recognizes outstanding scientific achievements of societal relevance that apply inter- or transdisciplinary approaches or methods.

    See full news here.


  • Raffaele Fabio Ciriello Assistant Professor in Copenhagen

    Raffaele Fabio Ciriello from Gerd Schwabe's Information Management Research Group will soon start an Assistant Professorship at IT University in Copenhagen. Congratulations!

  • Drone Research Media Coverage Ranks 3rd

    According to an article in UZH Journal 1/2017(PDF), Davide Scaramuzza’s research on drones ranks 3rd on the list of UZH Media Relation’s most popular news releases of 2016.

    Original paper

    YouTube video

    UZH Journal

  • Der Mensch verliert sein Poker-Gesicht

    Die Software «Libratus» von Tuomas Sandholm und Noam Brown (Carnegie Mellon University) schlägt die besten Pokerspieler, nachdem sie sich das Spiel selber beigebracht hatte. In dieser Sendung von Schweizer Radio SRF kommentiert Avi Bernstein die Vorteile von maschinellem Lernen bei unvollständigen Informationen.

  • Avi Bernstein elected SNSF evaluation committee member

    We are happy to announce that Abraham Bernstein was named external member of the SNSF Ambizione career program evaluation committee. Congratulations!

  • Renato Pajarola awarded ACM Senior Membership

    We are proud to announce that the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) recently named Renato Pajarola as a Senior Member in recognition of his contributions to computer graphics and visualization. Pajarola, head of the Visualization and Multimedia Lab, is the first IfI professor to be nominated for this recognition. Congratulations!

  • Zurich Eye becomes Facebook Oculus Zurich

    Zurich Eye, a project at the Wyss Translational Center Zurich, has just become part of Facebook Oculus VR Zurich. Zurich Eye was founded in September 2015 by three former members of Davide Scaramuzza's Robotics and Perception Group (Christian Forster, Matia Pizzoli, and Manuel Werlberger). Congratulations!

  • Probr wins Best Demo Award at LCN 2016

    Probr, a passive WiFi tracking system developed at the Communication Systems Group, won the audience vote for Best Demo at the 41st IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN 2016) in Dubai, UAE. See full news here.


  • NRP 75 application approved: PIG DATA: Health Analytics for the Swiss Swine Industry

    Prof. Abraham Bernstein and Prof. John Berezowski (University of Berne) received funding from the National Research Programme 75 “Big Data” (NRP 75) for their application on PIG DATA: Health Analytics for the Swiss Swine Industry.

  • NRP 75 application approved: Privacy Preserving, Peta-scale Stream Analytics for Domain-Experts

    The National Research Programme 75 “Big Data” (NRP 75) approved Profs. Michael Böhlen’s and Abraham Bernstein’s application for a project on Privacy Preserving, Peta-scale Stream Analytics for Domain-Experts.

  • 1st place for CSG-driven startup

    CSG-driven start-up won 1st place in the "Future and Emerging Technologies" (FET) vertical of Kickstart Accelerator 2016! More information on the CSG News page -- congratulations!

  • Gerhard Schwabe appointed Fellow of the University of Siegen

    Gerhard Schwabe, head of the Information Management Research Group at the Department of Informatics, was appointed Fellow of the University of Siegen at their Forschungskolleg "Zukunft menschlich gestalten" (Research Center "Shaping the future").

    Congratulations on this prestigious appointment!

  • Vertrauen in Facebook ist grösser als in jede Bank

    Die Digitalisierung lässt neue Anbieter für Finanzdienstleistungen entstehen. Banken müssen ihr Geschäftsmodell überdenken.

    Interview mit Dr. Thomas Puschmann, Leiter des Swiss Fintech Innovation Lab, in den Salzburger Nachrichten.

  • Netzsperren sind untauglich

    Internet-Sperren zum Ausschluss ausländischer Online-Spielangebote sind relativ leicht zu umgehen, so das Fazit eines Gutachtens, das Florent Thouvenin (Lehrstuhl für Informations- und Kommunikationsrecht) und Burkhard Stiller (Communication Systems Group am IfI) für die Swico erstellt haben.

  • Digitale Genügsamkeit

    Im Bericht Digitale Genügsamkeit – Nachhaltigkeit in und mit der ICT, erschienen im ElectrosuisseBulletin 10/2016, wird auf das Standardwerk ICT Innovations for Sustainability von Lorenz Hilty und Bernard Aebischer Bezug genommen.

  • switzerland_thun_mit_bundles_orange

    VMML: New SNF project granted

    The Swiss National Science Foundation granted VMML director Renato Pajarola a three-year project, together with Arzu Coltekin, Sara Fabrikant, and Röbi Weibel.


  • Die Bank als Teil digitaler Ökosysteme

    Die branchenübergreifende Bündelung von Angeboten gewinnt auch in der Finanzwelt an Bedeutung.
    Artikel von Dr. Thomas Puschmann, Swiss Fintech Innovation Lab, in der Neuen Zürcher Zeitung

  • IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference: Lifetime Service Award for Martin Glinz

    We're extremely happy to announce that Martin Glinz was honored with the prestigious Lifetime Service Award "for visionary leadership and ongoing service to the community" at the IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference 2016 in Beijing. Congratulations!

  • UZH Digital Society Initiative

    Die UZH Digital Society Initiative (DSI) wurde am 14. September 2016 mit einem feierlichen Akt in Anwesenheit u.a. von Rektor Michael Hengartner und Bundespräsident Johann Schneider-Ammann lanciert. Presseberichte und Interviews mit IfI-Institutsdirektor Abraham Bernstein und weiteren Beteiligten sind im Medienspiegel der DSI zu finden.

  • «Kein 1-0-1-Spiel mehr»

    Vor allem im Silicon Valley entwickeln sich die grossen Technologiekonzerne immer mehr zu Staaten im Staat mit eigener Infrastruktur (Energieproduktion, Personentransport, Kinderhorte, Kommunikationsnetze).

    Im Zusammenhang mit dem Artikel über die wirtschaftlichen und politischen Umwälzungen im Silicon Valley (Tages-Anzeiger vom 8. September 2016): Interview mit Abraham Bernstein über die gesellschaftliche Bedeutung von Informatik.

  • IT-Ausbildung auf dem Prüfstand

    Artikel in der Zeitschrift Computerworld Special Top 500 zum Informatik-Studium mit einem Beitrag von IfI Institutsdirektor Abraham Bernstein

    IT-Ausbildung auf dem Prüfstand


  • Blockchains with IoT

    The UZH startup pitched its IoT (Internet-of-Things) blockchain idea successfully at the Venture Kick and Kickstart Accelerator today in Lausanne.

  • FinTech im Aufwind

    Artikel zum Swiss Fintech Innovation Lab im Oec.Magazin, der Alumni-Zeitschrift der Wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Fakultät

  • Fintech und Finanzmarktregulierung

    Mark Branson, Direktor der FINMA, sprach über die Regulierung von FinTech-Unternehmen in der Schweiz. Artikel in den UZH-News:

  • Video zu den Informatiktagen 2016

    Video mit IfI-Beteiligung:

  • Sustainable Informatics Presented at IT Days Zurich

    Sustainability in Informatics was an important topic at the IT Days Zurich on June 3-4. Article on UZH News (in German)

  • Renato Pajarola elected Eurographics Fellow

    Renato Pajarolahas been elected Eurographics Fellow 2016. The European Association for Computer Graphics recognizes his important research contributions in the area of scalable graphics and data intensive visualization as well as his continuous service to the Eurographics community as a co-chair of Eurographicsand EuroVis conferences, as a steering board member of the Eurographics working group Parallel Graphics, and as an IPC member of numerous conferences and workshops.

  • Blockchains for Cold Chains

    The UZH startup pitched its blockchain idea at the ETH Entrepreneur Club and was awarded with the 2nd place out of 50 participants on Monday, May 9, 2016. See herefor more.

  • BR Johann Schneider-Ammann und IfI-Direktor Avi Bernstein

    Bundespräsident Johann Schneider-Ammann und IfI-Institutsdirektor Abraham Bernstein diskutieren die Digitalisierung der Gesellschaft am Rande des Dies Academicus. Der Bundespräsident hielt am Dies die Festrede, wo er auch die Förderung der Innovationsleistung der Schweiz thematisierte.

  • Interview with Tuomas Sandholm about Computer Poker, Kidney Exchange, and Advertising

    Tuomas Sandholm is an entrepreneur and researcher who works at the intersection of computer science and game theory. His work has not only led him to great academic success, but also saved lives. On April 30, 2016 Sandholm received an honorary doctoratefrom UZH for his work on electronic market design. Click here to read an interview with Tuomas Sandholm on his work on Computer Poker, Kidney Exchange, and Advertising Markets Interview(in German)

  • Tuomas Sandholm receives Honorary Doctorate from the University of Zurich

    On April 30, 2016, Prof. Tuomas Sandholm received an honorary doctorate from the University of Zurich for his research at the intersection of computer science and game theory, in particular for his work on electronic market design.

  • Impressions from Electronic Market Design Symposium

    On April 30, 2016, Prof. Tuomas Sandholm received an honorary doctoratefrom the University of Zurich for his research at the intersection of computer science and game theory, in particular for his work on electronic market design. To honor Tuomas Sandholm, the faculty of Business, Economics and Informatics organized a Symposium on Electronic Market Design, which took place on Friday, April 29, 2016. Here are some impressions from the symposium.

  • A Question of Perception - an Interview with Davide Scaramuzza

    "We are living in an exciting time, where basically we are developing new algorithms for a new sensor which, hopefully, will change robotics in the next five to ten years." This is just one interesting quote from the interview with Davide Scaramuzza in Sensefly magazine - read the whole interview on Autonomous Robot Navigation here.

  • IfI@Minor Day MNF

    Gar nicht so einfach, aus dem riesigen Angebot der Uni das richtige Nebenfach zu finden. Gut, gibt es den Minor Day auf dem Campus Irchel! Nebst den Nebenfächern der Mathematisch-naturwissenschaftlichen Fakultät MNF war auch das IfI mit dem Nebenfach Informatik an der Veranstaltung präsent. Zum Artikel der UZH News

  • Impressions of Martin Glinz' Apero

    To honor Martin Glinz' achievements over the past decades as department chair and vice dean, professors, employees, faculty members - former and present - as well as friends of IfI came together to celebrate at Restaurant Neumarkt in Zurich on April 6, 2016.

  • Assistant Professor for Interaction Design

    As per June 1, 2016, the Board of the University has appointed Dr. Chat Wacharamanothamas Assistant Professor for Interaction Design. Chat Wacharamanotham has joined IfI in November 2015 as senior researcher in the People and Computing Labof Prof. Dr. Elaine M. Huang.

  • Swiss Fintech Innovations Association Founded

    The formation of the association Swiss Fintech Innovationshas been broadly covered in the media.

  • Debate on Closed Circuit TV Surveillance

    The pros and cons of Closed Circuit TV surveillance are always under debate, although the technology itself is neither bad nor good. Due to the canton of Schaffhausen's decision to install more cameras at the station's area, the TELE TOP TV Channeladdressed in a set of statements on surveillance different views, which include a small subset of perspectives provided by Prof. Dr. Burkhard Stiller, CSG@IfI in a TELE TOP interview with Thierry Graf. The full news programof 17.04 min length is available in German only with the surveillance contribution starting at 3.05 min.

  • IfI@CeBIT 2016

    Article on UZH News

  • Die IT-Schweiz zeigt der Welt ihre Kinder

    Starker Auftritt der Schweizer IT-Industrie an der weltweit grössten Computermesse. Aber auch die Konkurrenz schläft nicht.

  • Alexander Richter becomes professor at the IT-University of Kopenhagen

    We congratulate Dr. Alexander Richteron his appointment as Associate Professor for Workplace Studies at the IT-University of Kopenhagenas of March 1st. ITU is the smallest, youngest and most innovative of the eight Danish universities. Alexander has been a postdoc in the Information Management Research Groupof Prof. Dr. Gerhard Schwabesince October 2013 and will continue to work part-time at IfI for further two years, mainly in the H2020 project  "FACTS4WORKERS".

  • KuVS 2015 Award for the Best Bachelor Thesis Hand-over to Raphael Voellmy

    Raphael Voellmy received the KuVS 2015 Award for the best Bachelor Thesis 2015 for his Thesis "CoinBlesk, a Mobile NFC Bitcoin Payment System". The award hand-over took place on February 23, 2016 by Prof. Dr. Burkhard Stiller on behalf of Prof. Dr. Klaus Wehrle, KuVS Speaker, and Prof. Dr. Otto Spaniol, Head of Evaluation Committee, both RWTH Aachen, and was attended, too, by Raphael's direct supervisor Dr. Thomas Bocek.

  • SIGSOFT Award Winner Martin Glinz interviewed by UZH News

    UZH News interviewed Martin Glinz on his newly won ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Service Award 2016 Interview(in German)

  • What's Fintech?

    Fintech in a nutshell - explained in this video on NZZ online, featuring a short interview with Swiss Finance InstituteProfessor Thorsten Hens(video in German)

  • Martin Glinz wins the ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Service Award 2016

    It is a great pleasure to announce that Martin Glinz won the ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Service Award 2016. SIGSOFT is the ACM special interest group on all aspects of software development. It was founded in 1976 and its activities attract both academics and practitioners. The Distinguished Service Award is presented to an individual who has contributed an important service to the software engineering community.

  • New Software for Drones helps in Search for Missing Persons

    A group of researchers of the University of Zurich- Davide Scaramuzzaand his Robotics and Perception Group- the USI Università della Svizzera italiana and the University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland (SUPSI) have developped a software for drones, which learn to recognize forest trails and follow them autonomously - thus helping to find missing persons in forests and mountainous terrain.

  • Abraham Bernstein appointed new Chairman of the Department

    The University of Zurichhas appointed Prof. Abraham Bernsteinas new Chairman of the Department of Informatics as of February 2016. With his valuable input and support, the department will maintain its excellence and sustain its reputation as a leading Swiss research center in informatics.

  • Swiss FinTech Innovation Lab featured in the Swiss TV News "10vor10"

    In this feature news videoand online by the Swiss TV news program "10vor10" Thomas Puschmann, head of the newly founded “Swiss FinTech Innovation Lab" explains the role of his lab in the expanding FinTech industry.

  • New@IfI: Thomas Puschmann, Swiss FinTech Innovation Lab

    As per February 1st, 2016, Thomas Puschmann has set up office at IfI. Thomas Puschmann is head of the newly founded “Swiss FinTech Innovation Lab”. The lab is an interdisciplinary initiative from the Institute of Informatics and the Institute of Banking and Finance and aims at developing innovative concepts and solutions, FinTech focused courses but also at fostering start-ups for and together with the financial services industry. For this the lab works in close collaboration with banks, insurers, providers and start-ups. The department welcomes Thomas Puschmann at IfI and wishes him a good start and lots of success in his new position. For further information please contact:

  • In Memoriam Klaus R. Dittrich

    Klaus R. Dittrich (1950 - 2007) would have retired today

  • FLAMINGO's YouTube Teaser on "What is P2P?" Just Reached Over 25 k Views!

    The EU FP7 FLAMINGO NoEworks as a project on Network and Service Management aspects, for which Peer-to-peer (P2P)networks form a dedicated instance of an overlay network. These types of networks can be considered as an end-to-end service offered on top of any operational network, particularly the Internet. Thus, the FLAMINGO partner CSG@IfIat the University of Zurich (UZH)did publish a short 3.48 min teaser on "What is P2P?", which just reached a bit more than 25,000 views within the particular FLAMINGO Channel of YouTube. Enjoy this and other short videos as well as free tutorials on Network and Service Management.

  • CSG@IfI at CeBIT

    UZH; is proud to present Coinblesk; at CeBIT 2016, an app developed at CSG@IfI; enabling a safe and fast mobile payment method that works using NFC contactless technology – no swiping, signing, or PIN necessary. Coinblesk users can make Bitcoin payments within seconds using their Android smartphones, and visitors at CeBIT can experience how easy it is to carry out Bitcoin transactions, whether from person-to-person or between buyer and seller.

  • Professor Lorenz Hilty receives tenure

    Upon a proposal by the Faculty of Business, Economics, and Informatics, the University Council of UZH acknowledges the successful research of professor Lorenz Hiltyby giving him tenure as of February 1, 2016. Until now, his professorship of Informatics and Sustainablilityhad been limited to a term of six years. Congratulations! Professor Hilty will continue to work fifty percent at UZH and fifty percent at Empa.

  • Big Data in UZH Magazine

    UZH Magazine, the science journal of the Universitiy of Zurich, addresses in its December issue the topic Big Data. The article "Arbeiten mit Cloud und Crowd" features the current work of Abraham Bernsteinand his research group "Dynamic and Distributed Information Systems".

  • Computational Linguistics and an Experiment in Surveillance

    Spiegel online published an article on an experiment on surveillance(in German) by Hernani Marques, master graduate at the Department of Computational Linguistics.

  • Continuing education: CAS with focus on „big data“ and „engineering solutions“

    Das Institut für Informatik bietet ab Februar 2016 neu ein Weiterbildungsstudium an: Certificate of Advanced Studies CAS „Moderne Methoden der Informatik“

  • An Interview with Abraham Bernstein on Human Computation

    Translating a novel in just four hours - it has been done by the start-up Kunendo. In this interview(in German) on Netzwoche online Abraham Bernsteinexplains the mechanisms of crowd coordination and the prospects on future working modelsurzfassung.

  • The Cultural Adaption of Software

    Whenever we decide if a software looks appealing to us, design alone is not crucial. Another key factor is the cultural perception of the user. Abraham Bernsteinand his colleagues have developped a solution.

  • Try out CoRe (Course Recommender) to plan your Fall semester 2015

    All IFI students are invited to use CoRe again, IFI's Course Recommender tool that provides you with recommendations for courses at UZH based on your personal preferences. CoRe is now ready for you to plan your Fall semester 2015. More...

  • Social Media Unplugged

    The "Moment Machine"developped by Nemanja Memarovic, Postdoc at the People and Computing Lab, and his colleagues from the University of Lugano, brings people together: from social media right to the here-and-now in real life. This article(in German) on NZZ online explains how it is done.

  • Robotics and Perception Group featured in Swiss TV news "10vor10"

    The Swiss Post is testing drones to be used for the transport of parcels. In this news video, RPG contributes fascinating information on their research and work with drones.

  • Successful Eurographics 2015 Conference in Zürich

    From May 4th to 8th, the 36th Eurographics Conference was successfully held in Zürich at Kongresshaus, organized jointly by Prof. Renato Pajarola from the Department of Informatics (IfI) at UZH and Prof. Markus Gross from Disney Research Zürich (DRZ) and ETH.

  • Aerial Drones for Transportation Services

    Tages-Anzeiger online about Davide Scaramuzza'swork concerning the potential use of autonomous flying robots in transportation services (article in German).

  • SNF Grant for the Visualization and Multimedia Lab

    The Visualization and Multimedia Lab VMML has been awarded a Swiss National Science Foundation Grant. The grant will run from 2015-2018, and it has been awarded for their project on the Reconstruction of Large-Scale Interior Environments. In this project, the robust as well as semi-automatic reconstruction of 3D models of interior home, office or industrial environments from laser-range 3D point scans will be investigated. The main goal is to detect and reconstruct the major architectural 3D structures as well as extract semantic information about rooms and floor plan layouts. More information on reconstruction, geometric modeling and point-based graphics can be found on the VMML list of publications.

  • Forscher rüsten Drohnen zu Luftakrobaten auf

    Articleon about the latest research of the Robotics and Perception Group (in German)

  • RPG Demo at CeBIT featured on Daily Mail UK

    The media got their eyes on the RPG demo at CeBIT now. Article on Daily Mail online Thank you Nathan and Michael for your great work!

  • Vision-controlled Drones at CeBIT Hanover and in eZurich Newsletter

    RPG'svision-controlled drones are being presented at CeBITHanover, March 16 - 20, 2015. They are part of a joint showcase project of the computer science departments of UZH, ETH, and EPFL at the "Swiss Pavilion". Davide Scaramuzza and the drones are also featured in the latest eZurichand ICT-cluster Newsletter (in German).

  • Davide Scaramuzza visits India's premier technology institutes

    Organized by SwissNex India, Davide Scaramuzza is travelling in India from March 16 - 20, 2015. He is giving lecture demonstrations at the Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, the Indian Institute of Information Technology, Allahabad, and at the Institute of Technology, Kanpur. His topic is "Towards Agile Flight of Vision-controlled Micro Flying Robots".

  • Flying with Drones

    Davide Scaramuzza in the UZH News

  • Dacuda and Volumental unveil printable 3D-selfies using Intel powered tablets using RPG's dense-3D-reconstruction software

    This new application is a collaboration between the Robotics and Perception Group and the computer vision companies Dacuda and Volumental.

  • Rosige Zeiten für gut ausgebildete Informatiker

    Als Informatiker hat man gute Jobchancen - heute und in der Zukunft. Dies zeigt eine Umfrage der Zeitschrift Computerworldunter 100 Schweizer CIOS und CTOs.

  • Medienberichte zur Kooperation IfI - Stadtpolizei Zürich in der Kriminalprävention

    Das berichten die Medien zum gemeinsamen Projekt des Instituts für Informatik mit der Stadtpolizeit Zürich in der Kriminalprävention:

  • Kriminalprävention: IfI kooperiert mit der Stadtpolizei Zürich

    An einem Medienanlass am 16. Februar 2015 informierten die Stadtpolizei Zürich und das Institut für Informatik der Universität Zürich über ihr gemeinsames Projekt in der Kriminalprävention. In intensiver Zusammenarbeit mit dem Institut für Informatik wurde ein modernes Mittel zur wirksamen Unterstützung von Beratungsgesprächen im Bereich Einbruchschutz entwickelt. In seiner Präsentation am Medienanlass stellte Prof. Dr. Gerhard Schwabe die von seiner Forschungsgruppe entwickelten Methoden der IT gestützten Einbruchschutzberatung vor.

  • Try out CoRe, IFI's new Course Recommender tool, to find courses at UZH based on your personal preferences

    All IFI students are invited to try out CoRe, a new Course Recommender tool that will give you recommendations for courses at UZH based on your personal preferences. CoRe was developed by five Master's students as part of a master project of the Computation and Economics Research Group. More...

  • Davide Scaramuzza has been appointed to the Strategic Advisory Board of Dacuda AG

    As per February 1, 2015, Davide Scaramuzzahas been appointed to the Strategic Advisory Board of Dacuda AG. The Swiss software company has invented the world's first mouse scanner. Its technology enables fast and reliable capturing of text and image as well as creative photography interaction for immediate editing and easy sharing.

  • Sven Seuken has received a research grant from Microsoft Research

    Sven Seuken has received a research grant from Microsoft Research for his project proposal "Preference Elicitation and Mechanism Design for Complex Dynamic Systems." More...

  • Basil Huber wins Fritz Kutter Award for his MSc thesis

    Basil Huber, an EPFL student who did his Master's thesis at IfI in the Robotics and Perception Group, won the Fritz Kutter Award 2014for the best Master thesis on industry-related computer science at a Swiss University. According to the Fritz Kutter website, the last time that this award was given for a thesis written at IfI was ten years ago. Congratulations!

  • Kevin Crowston elected to the IfI Advisory Board

    Professor Kevin Crowston(Syracuse University, NY, USA) has been elected to the IfI Advisory Board for the term 2015-2017.

  • Man vs. Machine Discussion: Abraham Bernstein at the IBM Media Talks

    Thurgauer Zeitung Online covered the IBM Media Talks which took place at Kartause Ittingen this year. The main question addressed there: Will computers ever be capable of thinking like humans? Article (in German)

  • IfI Bitcoin Project featured on Tages-Anzeiger online

    Journalists of the online portal by the Swiss newspaper Tages-Anzeiger have tested the Bitcoin payment method at Mensa Binzmühle. Here's their report: Article (in German)

  • Latin America Meets IfI and RPG

    In the context of advancing international relations and technology transfer, the Government Council of the Canton of Zurich received a delegation of Latin-American ambassadors. Part of their program consisted of a visit at the Department of Informatics, where the Robotics and Perception Grouppresented their latest research innovations. The amabassadors were accompanied by Regine Aeppli, President of the Government Council, and by Dr. Thomas Heiniger, Government Councillor.

  • Hello World! IfI an den UZH Studieninformationstagen

    Die Studieninformationstage der Universität Zürich haben auch 2014 einen Rekord verzeichnet. 7’500 Schülerinnen und Schüler haben sich am 3. und 4. September über das Studienangebot informiert. Auch das IfI war mit einem Stand vertreten. Mit dem Motto “Hello World!”, einem Begriff aus der Programmiersprache, und einem originellen Fotospiel konnten wir aufzeigen, dass Informatikerinnen und Informatiker nicht nur einsam vor dem Computer sitzen, sondern dass die Informatik eine lebendige, vielseitige Wissenschaft ist, die unsere Gesellschaft und unsere Kommunikationsformen prägt und verändert. Eine wichtige Aufgabe nahmen die Standbetreuerinnen und Standbetreuer wahr. Als Bachelor- und Masterstudierende haben sie ihre Erfahrungen und Eindrücke 1:1 weitergegeben - und konnten so bestimmt einige Standbesucherinnen und -besucher motivieren, sich eingehender mit dem Informatikstudium zu befassen.

  • Bitcoin @ Mensa Binzmühlestrasse

    Students and the Communication Systems Groupdeveloped "CoinBlesk", a new and mobile Bitcoin payment solution, which can run reliable Bitcoin transactions in less than a second via an NFC (Near Field Communication) two-way communication - the first world-wide. The CoinBlesk application for Android 4.4 devices with NFC is available in the AppStore and can be loaded with Bitcoins, to be used for payments in the University Mensa at Binzmühlestrasse as well as for payments between this App on different devices - all performed in Bitcoins!

  • Lorenz Hilty’s book “ICT Innovations for Sustainability” is out!

    “ICT Innovations for Sustainability” edited by Lorenz Hilty and Bernhard Aebischer gives a comprehensive overview on both Sustainability in ICT and Sustainability by ICT. It is the result of the joint effort by 47 authors including leading experts in the field. Among others it summarizes the results of the ICT4S conference held in February at ETH Zurich and contains new research on the subject.

  • Rolf Pfeifer has retired

    Professor Rolf Pfeifer has retired by July 31, 2014.

  • Extended Contracts for Three Assistant Professors

    The University Council (Universitätsrat) has renewed the contracts of our three assistant professors Thomas Fritz, Daning Hu and Sven Seuken for a second three-year term. Congratulations and keep on with your good work!

  • Think fast, robot: Davide Scaramuzza in the MIT News

    At this year’s International Conference on Robotics and Automation in Hong Kong, Davide Scaramuzza together with Andrea Censi from MIT presented the first state-estimation algorithm to process data from event-based sensors.

  • Abraham Bernstein Wins CIONET’s European Research Paper of the Year Award

    Abraham Bernstein and his former PhD student Prof. Katharina Reinecke (now at the University of Michigan) were awarded CIONET’s European Research Paper of the Year Award.

  • A 2014 Google Faculty Research Award for Davide Scaramuzza

    Davide Scaramuzzawon a Google Faculty Research Awardfor this year. Worldwide, only three awards were granted by Google in the area of Robotics - Davide Scaramuzza being the only award winner outside of the United States.

  • Davide Scaramuzza wins the IEEE RAS (Robotics and Automation Society) Early Career Award

    Davide Scaramuzza is the recipient of the 2014 IEEE RAS Award for his major contributions to robot vision and visually-guided micro aerial vehicles.

  • Three IfI PhD students win KUKA Innovation Award in worldwide competition

    Matthias Fässler, Flavio Fontana, and Elias Müggler of IfI’s Robotics and Perception Grouphave been awarded the KUKA Innovation Award- a great achievement for the three PhD students who just started their second year! 30 teams worldwide from top research institutions participated, but only four got selected for the finals, which took place yesterday during the AUTOMATICAfair in Munich.

  • IfI PhD Student first woman at UZH to win a Google Anita Borg Memorial Scholarship

    Irina Todoran, PhD student of the Requirements Engineering Research Group, won a Google Anita Borg Memorial Scholarship. Together with her fellow recipients from all over the world, Irina will participate in the Google Scholarship Retreat 2014, taking place in Zurich, July 6-9.

  • Standing Ovations an der Abschiedsvorlesung von Rolf Pfeifer

    Rolf Pfeifer, prominenter Intelligenzforscher und geistiger Vater humanoider Roboter, hielt am Freitag, 23. Mai 2014 in seiner Abschiedsvorlesung Rückschau. Wissenschaftler aus aller Welt waren per Video-Konferenz zugeschaltet. Prominentester Gast war Roboter Roboy.

  • Dank MOOC in die Top 10: Informatik für Ökonomen I ist eine der besten Vorlesungen an der UZH

    Die Vorlesung “Informatik für Ökonomen I” von Prof. Abraham Bernsteinhat es zum zweiten Mal in vier Jahren in die Top 10 der Nominierungen für den Lehrpreis UZH/ Credit Suisse Award for Best Teaching 2014geschafft. Sie wird als erste deutschsprachige Lehrveranstaltung auch online als MOOC(Massive Open Online Course) auf der Lehrplattform Courseraangeboten.

  • The Cloud as a Place to Store and Hide Data: IfI PhD Student's Project Featured in UZH News

    Article in UZH news(in German)

  • UZH, ETH, and EPFL united at CeBIT

    The informatics departments of UZH, ETH, and EPFL had their first joint public appearance at the renown global IT fair CeBITin Hannover, Germany.

  • Crowdsourcing Research at DDIS shown on Swiss TV

    KIn the context of the Crowdsorucing effort to find the Malaysia Airlines Flight 239 airplane Swiss national television SRF interviewed Professor Abraham Bernstein.  The interview was partially aired in the evening news show 10vor10and published in an article on their website.

  • Roboy @ CeBIT

    The Roboy project is presented at the CeBIT exhibition

  • Nachhaltigkeit

    Lorenz Hilty wird Delegierter für Nachhaltigkeit

  • IFI researcher Tao Li receives Chinese Government Award

    Tao Li (AILab) has won the Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Self-Financed Students Abroad 2013

  • Bitcoins project

    Bitcoin testing phase at the Mensa Binzmühle

  • The right career choice: Information Systems

    According to Forbes, an MSc in Information Systems is number one on the list of the best master's degrees

  • The End of Humility

    But not of cuteness - if you look at Roboy, who is featured in this article on artificial intelligence, the computer system "Watson", the ambitions of Google and IBM, and on god.

  • Are we all slaves of Artificial Intelligence?

    And if so, is it really as spooky as it sounds? Decide for yourself!

  • World Economic Forum 2014: possible threat by drones?

    Davide Scaramuzza was interviewed in the Swiss TV program "Rundschau" on drones as a possible security risk to the World Economic Forum 2014

  • Startup Kunendo managed by IFI members wins Venture Kick's first stage

    Kunendo, a startup managed by Dr. Amancio Bouza, Damian Schärli, Patrick Minder and Prof. Abraham Bernstein, wins Venture Kick's first stage

  • Prof. Pajarola's PhD student Susanne Suter wins UZH Jahrespreis

    Dr. Susanne K. Suter's dissertation on "Interactive Multiresolution and Multiscale Visualization of Large Volume Data" will receive the 'Jahrespreis 2013' of the University of Zürich

  • IfI at Silvesterlauf Zürich 2013

    On December 15, Thomas Fritz and Renato Pajarola participated in Zurich's racing event "Silvesterlauf" and proved that IfI members are fast and fit in all tracks of life.

  • Davide Scaramuzza's MS student Benji Keiser wins KUKA Best Student Project 2013

    Link to the project description:

  • Lorenz Hilty on power consumption of the internet (WWF Magazine)

    The current issue of the WWF Magazine cites Lorenz Hilty on the topic of power consumption and energy efficiency of the internet.

  • Rolf Pfeifer and Roboy at the "Tages-Anzeiger Forum"

    Rolf Pfeifer and Roboy participated in the conference "Algorithmus - Wie nutzen wir die Big Data-Flut?" organized by the newspaper Tages-Anzeiger.

  • Davide Scaramuzza on drone delivery (media coverage)

    Amazon's drone delivery plan was widely covered in Swiss media:

  • Article on Prof. Bernstein's MOOC in the UZH News

    On the occasion of the UZH "Tag der Lehre" 2013 Prof. Abraham Bernstein gave a lecture on his experiences with the Massive Open Online Course "Informatik für Ökonomen".

  • New Collaboration with Zhejiang University and Alibaba

    We are happy to announce a new collaboration between the University of Zurich, Zhejiang University (Hangzhou, China) and the Alibaba Group (Hangzhou, China). On November 11th, the new "Interdisciplinary Research Lab on Service, Economics, Management and Compution (SEMCom)" was opened at Zhejiang University in China. The primary goal of this new collaboration is to enable interdisciplinary research collaborations on topics related to service computing, electronic market design, and e-commerce. More...

  • Robotics and Perception Group on arte X:enius

    A videoon drones developed by Davide Scaramuzza and his team of the Robotics and Perception Group was featured on arte TV's science program X:enius.

  • The online professor: Two interviews with Abraham Bernstein on Swiss radio SRF

    href="">Abraham Bernsteingave two interviews on the recent start of his online lecture "Informatik für Ökonomen"on One was featured in the SRF news program "Heute morgen"(it starts at 6:18), the second in SRF's regional news

  • Magazine article on the development of an artificial human hand

    Articlein the Swiss magazine "Der Beobachter" (in German):

  • Five IfI Master Students in Stanford

    Five IfI master students particiapted in the global SUGAR course at the of Stanford University.

  • Newspaper article on Roboy

    Newspaper article on Roboyand the AILab("Höngger," October 17, 2013).

  • IfI an der tunZü

    Das Institut für Informatik hat an der tunZü teilgenommen. Die Erlebnisschau hat die Nachwuchsförderung in Technik und Naturwissenschaften zum Ziel.

  • New SNF-Grants for IfI

    This year IfI has been very successful in acquiring SNF funding for new projects:

  • Prof. Pfeifer's talk at TEDxZurich

    "How the body shapes the way we think – a new view of intelligence"

  • Magazine article on Roboy and other humanoid robots

    The Austrian magazine "Terra Mater" covers the topic of humanoid robots in its current issue

  • Prof. Scaramuzza's research on drones featured in "Die Zeit"

    The German newspaper "Die Zeit" features an article about Prof. Scaramuzza's research on drones

  • Environmental Informatics Students' Award for IFI Master students

    Stefan Badertscher and David Oertle won the 2nd prize of the Environmental Informatics Students' Award 2013 for their development of a system supporting company-internal cap-and-trade of CO2 emission permits.

  • Abraham Bernstein teaches first UZH MOOC (Swiss TV news and newspaper article)

    The assessment course "Informatik für Ökonomen 1" will be available on to students and to the general public as of October 2013.

  • CTI Research project "PainHawk" launches CatchMyPain iPhone app

    The IFI spin-off Sanovation AGis working together with the SEALgroup and the Clinics of Valenson an electronic pain diary. The diary will help to treat chronic pain patients more efficiently.

  • Abraham Bernstein Interviewed in the Swiss Daily Newspapers "Tages-Anzeiger" and "Der Bund"

    Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery is increasingly of public interest. In the context of the recent discussions about the data gathering by the US NSA and the British GCHQ, the Swiss Daily newspapers "Tages-Anzeiger" and "Der Bund" decided to interview Abraham Bernstein to explain the very basics of large-scale Data Analysis.

  • Lorenz Hilty on "beaming" and virtual reality (Einstein TV series)

    Filmed at the IFI AI Lab, Lorenz Hilty talks about "beaming" and virtual reality, in connection with an ongoing ETH research project

  • Rolf Pfeifer on 3sat

    Documentary on Rolf Pfeifer on 3sat, June 3, 22.25

  • Interview with Rolf Pfeifer in Tages-Anzeiger

    "Rolf Pfeifer, the developper of 'Roboy'talks about artificial intelligence": Supplement to Tages-Anzeiger "Ingenieurwesen" (pp. 8-9), May 24, 2013

  • Rico Sennrich wins 2013 Mercator Award

    Rico Sennrichwins a Mercator Award for his research on "Domain-specific Statistical Machine Translation". With the Mercator Awards, the Graduate Campus annually awards a research prize for outstanding young academics at the University of Zurich. The prize aims at research projects of societal relevance using inter- or transdisciplinary approaches.

  • A documentary about Prof. Scaramuzza's research on vision-controlled autonomous micro helicopters for search and rescue operations by the Swiss French television RTS

    Articleon "Des drones pour sauver des vies"

  • Sven Seuken wins Google Faculty Research Award

    Sven Seukenwins a Google Faculty Research Award for his research project on "Human Recommender Systems." The award amounts to $76,000 for one year. Google Faculty Research Awards are highly competitive, and this round, the Department of Informatics at the University of Zurich was the only Swiss institution to receive such an award.More...

  • One of the IFI's Best 2012 Ph.D. Thesis

    One of the IFI's Best 2012 Ph.D. Thesis of Fabio Hecht Submitted to the GI Ph.D. Thesis Competition.

  • Der Spion vor deinem Fenster

    Article about Davide Scaramuzza research in the Weltwoche Magazine Nr. 9.13

  • Schweizer doodeln mit Weitsicht

    Eine gemeinsame Studie DDIS Gruppe des IfI's und der Universität und Harvard zeigt auf, wie sich verschiedene Kulturen bei der Terminfindung via Doodle unterscheiden. Und: Keiner doodelt häufiger als die Liechtensteiner.

  • Youtube frisst täglich soviel Strom wie die Schweizer Haushalte

    Der Zürcher EMPA-Forscher Lorenz Hilty hat herausgefunden: Durch den Internet-Datenverkehr wird nicht soviel Strom verbraucht, wie man das bisher dachte. Aber es sei immer noch zuviel.

  • Von selbst geschieht nichts

    «Von selbst geschieht nichts»

  • Lorenz Hilty affiliated professor at KTH Stockholm

    The Center for Sustainable Communications at the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm (KTH) appointed Prof. Dr. Lorenz Hilty as affiliated professor in ICT for sustainable development. We sincerely congratulate him on this assignment and wish him a lot of success!

  • Article on Connected TV

    In its article on Connected TV, Alpha Galileo covers Vista-TV, a project coordinated by Prof. Abraham Bernstein.

  • Interview mit Lorenz Hilty

    Lorenz Hilty, Professor für Informatik an der Universität Zürich und Empa-Forscher, skizziert seine Vision eines intelligent gesteuerten Energieverbrauchs. Die von ihm organisierte Konferenz «ICT for Sustainability» (ICT4S) soll im Februar in Zürich als Startschuss dienen.

  • Roboy in the press

    Press clippings about Roboy, the humanoid Robot currently under construction at the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory of the University of Zurich.

  • Best Bachelor Thesis Award in 2012

    The Bachelor Thesis of the CSG student Jeton Memeti was awarded the best Bachelor Thesis in 2012 from the Kommunikation und Verteilte Systeme group (KuVS - Communications and Distributed Systems), the formally recognized networking expert group of the German Computer Science Association (GI). Jeton was invited for that reason to present at the NetSys 2013 in Stuttgart, Germanyhis Bachelor Thesis' results.

  • First International Conference on ICT for Sustainability

    IFI's Informatics and Sustainability Research Group and the ETH Energy Science Center are jointly organizing the "First International Conference on ICT for Sustainability" in Zurich.

  • IfI student wins second prize in Swisscom Innovation Award

    IfI student wins second prize in Swisscom Innovation Award

  • The CSG@IFI is by now officially an Ubuntu and Debian mirror site

    The CSG@IFI is by now officially an Ubuntu and Debian mirror site

  • Article in Communications of the ACM

    Communications of the ACM, Vol. 55 No. 11, Pages 76-87: "The Challenges Ahead for Bio-Inspired 'Soft' Robotics" by Rolf Pfeifer, Max Lungarella, Fumiya Iida

  • Excellent! Sebastian Müller Awarded for his Master's Thesis

    Sebastian Müller, who is now a PhD student at s.e.a.l research group has received one of UZH's semester awards for his 2011 Master's thesis "SmellTagger: Augmenting Design and Code Reviews with Multi-Touch Technology".

  • Crowdlang and CrowdOS supported by SNF

    CrowdLang and CrowdOS, a programming language and operating system for human and machine computers (developed at the Dynamic and Distributed Information Systems Group) is now supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNF). For more infos, see link below:

  • wins biggest Swiss entrepreneurship award

    The start-up Sanovation AGis among the winners of this year’s W.A. de Vigier entrepreneurship award. The team will receive CHF 100’000 to support their work on a worldwide chronic pain diary, called

  • IfI Professor Lorenz Hilty in the News with Report on Geolocation

    The Swiss Center for Technology Assessment (TA-SWISS) presented the results of a project led by Lorenz Hilty, professor at Ifi and Empa, to the media. The report titled "Lokalisiert und identifiziert" has been published by VDF Publisher at ETH as a book and is available in German (including an English summary) for download

  • Abraham Bernstein interviewed by Swiss Radio DRS 1 on Collective Intelligence

    Abraham Bernstein, Professor at IfI, was interviewed on Collective Intelligence by the Swiss Radio DRS radio show Wissen aktuell in their June 5 edition. The show is available as a podcastor as a download(in German!).

  • Davide Scaramuzza wins 2012 European Young Researcher Award

    Davide Scaramuzza, Assistant Professor at the Artificial Intelligence Lab is the recipient of the 2012 European Young Researcher Award. He has been awarded by the Euroscience Selection Committee for his excellent work in the field of Computer Vision and Robotics.

  • UZH confers an honorary doctorate upon Prof. Thomas Malone

    The Faculty of Economics, Business Administration, and Information Technologyof the University of Zurichconfers an honorary doctorate upon Prof. Thomas Malone, PhD, in recognition of the importance and diversity of his scientific contributions to the interaction between information technology and economic sciences, particularly the influence of information technology on market structures, coordination problems, and collective intelligence.

  • Programming the Global Brain published in the Communications of the ACM

    The paper Programming the Global Brainby Abraham Bernstein(UZH), Mark Klein(MIT), and Thomas W. Malone(MIT) was published in the May 2012issue of the Communications of the ACM. A small movie accompaning the publicsation was also publsihed in the CACM on-line edition.

  • Abraham Bernstein in 20 Minuten Science Pages

    The Swiss daily newspaper "20 Minuten" published an article(second page; local copy) today (13.1.2012) about Abraham Bernstein's work on Crowdsourcing. The article (in German only) discusses how the wisdom of crowds has been leveraged for centuries and that the Internet offers new opportunities to bring Crowdsourcing to new levels.

  • Magazin Title Page

    DDIS Project CrowdLang highlighted in UZH Magazin

    The Current Editionof the UZH Magazinhighlights DDIS project CrowdLangwith a two page article. The article explains how CrowdLang can be used to accomplish non-trivial tasks with a large number of crowdworkers. 

  • EU ITN on Data Intensive Visualization and Analysis (DIVA)

    In collaboration with six partners from Italy, Germany, Sweden, France and Hungary, Prof. Renato Pajarola from the Visualization and MultiMedia Lab (VMML has been awarded a 4-year EU FP7 Marie Curie Initial Training Network (ITN) on Data Intensive Visualization and Analysis (DIVA).

  • Interview with Prof. Bernstein in UZH News

    UZH News has published an interview with Prof. Bernstein on crowdsourcing.

  • Special Seminar: Open Government Data in the Cloud

    On November 21 at 16:00, Mark Gayler, Open Software Evangelist atMicrosoft Corporation, is going to give a special seminar on Open Government Data in the Cloud.

  • DDIS Student Katharina Reinecke wins Mercator Dissertation Award

    DDISGraduate Katharina Reinecke wins the Mercator Dissertation award with her thesis "Culturally Adaptive User Interfaces". The dissertation investigates how to build user interfaces that automatically adapt to a user's cultural background. She finds that her approach significantly improves the users' efficiency.

  • Three new Assistant Professors at IfI / Drei neue Assistenzprofessuren am IfI

    The University council has appointed three new assistant professors at IfI. Der Universitätsrat hat drei neue Assistenzprofessoren am IfI ernannt.

  • Sven Seuken appointed Assistant Professor (tenure track) of Computation and Economics

    Dr. Sven Seuken has been appointed as an Assistant Professor (tenure track) of Computation and Economics at the Department of Informatics.

  • AIS digital library available for UZH students and researchers

    IfI has negotiated full access to the AIS digital library...

  • Marc Vontobel und Pascal Kaufmann lancieren die Starmind Know-How Company

    Marc Vontobel und Pascal Kaufmann lancierten am 19.04.2011 die Starmind Know-how Company. Mehrere...

  • Manuela Züger erhält Semesterpreis der UZH

    Manuela Züger hat für ihre Bachelorarbeit “Potential Use of Genetic Programming in Storm Warning...

  • Wie der Körper das Denken prägt

    Reportage über die Forschung von Prof. Rolf Pfeifer

  • International PhD Student Guide

    The University of Zurich offers a web page with a wide range of information relevant to your...

  • Registering for ETH-Modules

    Ab Herbstsemester 2010 werden alle Studierenden der Universität Zürich, welche an der ETH...

  • SNF Research Grant on Systems of Systems Analysis (SoSYA)

    Prof. Harald Gall from the Software Evolution and Architecture Lab, in collaboration with Prof....

  • SNF Research Grant on Multiscale Volume Visualization and Analysis

    Prof. Renato Pajarola from the Visualization and MultiMedia Lab, in collaboration with Prof....

  • Dr. Elaine M. Huang appointed as Associate Professor of Human-Computer Interaction

    She will be the head of the new People and Computing Lab and is the successor to Professor Helmut...

  • "NCCR Robotics" officially approved!

    National Competence Center Research (NCCR) approved

  • Final list of speakers for IfI 40th anniversary symposium

    We are glad to announce the final list of speakers for 40th anniversary symposium

  • Bruker Biospin releases TopSpin 3.0 with DDIS Software Inside

    DDIS/IfI Software inside

  • Renato Pajarola has been appointed associate editor of Computers and Graphics (Elsevier)

    Prof. Renato Pajarola has been appointed as associated editor of Computer and Graphics, an...

  • Abraham Bernstein has been elected as associate editor of the ACM TiiS

    TiiS (Transactions on intelligent information systems)

  • Zeit online ueber ShanghAI Lectures

    In einem Seminar in Künstlicher Intelligenz der Uni Zürich treffen sich 370 Studenten aus aller...

  • DDIS and SEAL PhD student Amancio Bouza wins "Web 2.0 @ UBS" competition Collaborative Filtering As A Driver to Enable Clients to Explore, Share Experience and Build Recommendations for Products & Services

    Collaborative Filtering As A Driver to Enable Clients to Explore, Share Experience and Build...

  • Prof Harald Gall has been elected as Associate Editor of TSE

    TSE (Transactions on Software Engineering)

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