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Department of Informatics

Sven Seuken appointed Assistant Professor (tenure track) of Computation and Economics

New Professorship in Computation and Economics

The University Council has appointed Dr. Sven Seuken as an Assistant Professor (tenure track) of Computation and Economics at the Department of Informatics, starting 1 September 2011. He will be the head of the new Computation and Economics Research Group at IfI.

Prof. Seuken received his Ph.D. from Harvard University in 2011 and a MS degree in Computer Science from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst in 2006. In his research, he investigates problems in economics with computational approaches, in particular with AI methods. His current research focus is hidden market design.

Neue Professur in Computation and Economics

Der Universitätsrat hat Prof. Dr. Sven Seuken auf den 1. September 2010 zum Assistenzprofessor (tenure track) für Computation and Economics am Institut für Informatik ernannt. Er wird eine neue gleichnamige Forschungsgruppe am IfI aufbauen.

Prof. Seuken hat 2011 an der Harvard University promoviert und 2006 einen Master of Science in Informatik an der University of Massachusetts, Amherst erworben. In seiner Forschung untersucht er ökonomische Fragestellungen mit Methoden der Informatik, insbesondere der Künstlichen Intelligenz. Sein momentaner Forschungsschwerpunkt ist Hidden Market Design.
