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Department of Informatics

NRP 75 application approved: PIG DATA: Health Analytics for the Swiss Swine Industry

Prof. Abraham Bernstein and Prof. John Berezowski (University of Berne) received funding from the National Research Programme 75 “Big Data” (NRP 75) for their application on PIG DATA: Health Analytics for the Swiss Swine Industry.

In pig farming as in most aspects of animal husbandry, methods for the processing of big data have not yet been introduced. The pig farming industry has an extremely complex, small-scale structure. It consists of a large number of smaller, highly networked producers at different stages of the production process. At all these stages, large amounts of data are being accumulated. Adequate handling and evaluation of this information is necessary to identify previously unknown interrelationships, causes and risk factors in order to identify the best strategies to combat them. The goal of this project is to provide methods to better understand and optimize the structure and complexity of pig farming in Switzerland in order to improve animal health and well-being.
