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Department of Informatics

Dr. Elaine M. Huang appointed as Associate Professor of Human-Computer Interaction

Professur in Human-Computer Interaction
Der Universitätsrat hat Prof. Dr. Elaine M. Huang auf den 1. September 2010 zur ausserordentlichen Professorin für Human-Computer Interaction am Institut für Informatik ernannt. Sie wird das neue People and Computing Lab am IfI leiten und tritt die Nachfolge des im Februar 2009 in den Ruhestand getretenen Kollegen Helmut Schauer an. Prof. Huang hat 2006 am Georgia Institute of Technology in USA promoviert. Danach hatte sie Positionen als Forscherin in den Motorola Labs, USA und als Assistenzprofessorin an der Universität Calgary, Kanada, inne.

Professorship in Human-Computer Interaction
The University Council has appointed Dr. Elaine M. Huang to Associate Professor of Human-Computer Interaction at the Department of Informatics, starting 1 September 2010. She will be the head of the new People and Computing Lab and is the successor to Professor Helmut Schauer, who retired in February 2009. Prof. Huang received her Ph.D. from Georgia Institute of Technology in 2006 and held positions as a Senior Staff Research Scientist at Motorola Labs, USA, and as an Assistant Professor at the University of Calgary, Canada.
