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Department of Informatics

H2020-MSCA-ITN Grant for Renato Pajarola's EU-Project EVOCATION

Renato Pajarola, Chairman of the Department of Informatics, wins a substantial funding for EVOCATION, a project led in cooperation with colleagues from the University of Rostock, Centro di Ricerca, Sviluppo e Studi Superiori in Sardegna, TU Wien and Frauenhofer IGD. The project in the field of Visual and Geometric Computing will be supported with 3.6M Euro in total.

The 3D market is expected to boom in the near future. And a new generation of researchers is needed. The project "Advanced Visual and Geometric Computing for 3D Capture, Display, and Fabrication" (EVOCATION) focuses on creating a leading European-wide doctoral Collegium.  

EU-Project Evocation

The highly dynamic market of 3D sensors, display technology and vision systems promises a paradigm shift in the way reality-based contents are captured, analysed, structured, delivered and experienced. The growth estimated in the next 5 years in the 3D sensor market is  about 17.4%, in the 3D display technology about 20% and in the 3D fabrication about 23.2%.

The doctoral Collegium of Renato Pajarola and his colleagues aims to prepare PhD students with skills, concepts and experience highly demanded in this area. For the individual dissertation and graduate level learning the PhD students work at the University of Zurich, University of Rostock, TU Wien, Università degli Studi di Cagliari, Pázmány Péter Catholic University, University of Pisa or TU Darmstadt. But the program extends the traditional academic research setting by practical trainings. The overall approach is highly multidisciplinary, and PhD students are going to be connected with hardware developers, data-providers and end users. The training network is extremely novel and includes the current scientific and technological trends.

Among others, these are the most urgent topics which have to be tackled by the new generation of researchers in the doctoral Collegium:

  • How can we enable a fast, scalable, and repeatable capture of large amounts of objects or large environments, e.g. such as collections of museum art pieces, entire building complexes or wide urban areas?
  • How can we explore large amounts of acquired data in an interactive manner, e.g. by exploiting virtual (VR) or augmented reality (AR) displays or using handheld devices?
  • How can we extend the reproduction capabilities of current 3D printing technologies to better simulate or mimic physical material and appearance properties?
  • How can we improve visual replication and understanding of 3D data such as to effectively support virtual distribution and access to the 3D data while retaining its important visual qualities?

The doctoral Collegium is planned for the period 2019 to 2023. PhD students are supposed to start in the middle of 2019.

This new generation of researchers is going to help professionals and researchers in the domains of computational design and manufacturing, architecture, civil engineering, visual computing or also digital arts and cultural heritage.



Weiterführende Informationen

Prof. Dr. Renato Pajarola

Head of Visualization and MultiMedia Lab


Advanced Visual and Geometric Computing for 3D Capture, Display, and Fabrication