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Department of Informatics Informatics and Sustainability Research

Environmental Informatics Prize for Students 2012

For the 10th time the Technical Committee „Informatics for Environmental Protection“ of the German Informatics Society will award the “Environmental Informatics Prize”, sponsored by ICT4S and ifu Hamburg.

Deadline: June 30, 2012

Download the Call (PDF, 349 KB)

Aims and Scope

The prize is awarded for students’ works in the field of environmental informatics. Such work takes the form of projects undertaken either as part of a course or for a degree (excluding PhD) at an academic university or a university of applied sciences. The projects must demonstrate the contribution of methods and technologies of informatics to the solution of environmental problems or dissemination of information for sustainable development in general.

Eligible Students

Students of all subjects from all countries are eligible to participate either as individuals or groups (project teams).


Submissions will be most successful if they clearly demonstrate the transfer of informatics know-how to practical application, resulting in a real decrease in stress on the environment or contributing to environmental consciousness or to sustainable development in general.

Prize Sum

The prize sum of 2000 € is usually divided among three candidate projects as follows:

  • 1st prize: € 1000
  • 2nd prize: € 600
  • 3rd prize: € 400

EnviroInfo Conference

The winners are invited and agree in advance to give a short talk on the awarded project at the 25th International Environmental Informatics Conference (EnviroInfo 2012), taking place in Dessau, Germany, August 29 to 31, 2012. Conference fee, travel costs and accommodation will be covered up to € 400 per winner team.

Furthermore, the winners are invited to present a poster at the First ICT for Sustainability Conference (ICT4S 2013) at ETH Zurich, February 14-16, 2013. Presenting the invited poster does not require personal attendance and involves no coverage for travel expenses, but the winners will have free access to the conference.


The prize is sponsored by First ICT for Sustainability Conference (ICT4S 2013) (visit), and ifu Hamburg GmbH, the software provider and international IT consultant for material and energy flow modelling (visit).


Please submit descriptions of your completed project not exceeding five pages, and including an abstract of a half page. A link to supporting information (such as a Master’s Thesis) can be provided. The jury may request further information on projects that get short-listed.

Contributions must be submitted to the chair of the jury, Prof. Dr. Lorenz Hilty, Empa and University of Zurich, only via e-mail to the following address:

Deadline: June 30, 2012


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