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Department of Informatics Informatics and Sustainability Research

News from the ISR Group

News list

  • Farewell Lecture “Digitalisierung und Nachhaltigkeit” (held in German)

    On June 18, 2024, Prof. Dr. Lorenz Hilty - Professor of Informatics and Sustainability Research at the IfI and UZH’s delegate for sustainability - gave his farewell lecture.

  • on the left side a person is standing in front of a poster, the person is holding flyers and explaining something on the right side of the picture eight people and two children are sitting lined up on a wall, they are listening and looking at the speaker

    How does innovation reach farmers?

    A group of three Master students developed a tool to simulate innovation diffusion in Sub-Saharan Africa using an agent-based approach.

  • The background changes from purple on the left to red on the right, the satw logo in white at the top left and the text “Technology Outlook – travel guide for the world of tomorrow” in white in the middle

    Guidance for tomorrow’s technology

    The Swiss Academy of Engineering Sciences (SATW) published their «Technology Outlook» - an interdisciplinary view on tomorrow's technology. Dr. Ning Wang contributed.

  • Fundamental aspects of computing explained in Swiss German

    Participants in our seminar "Paradigmen der Informatik" (Paradigms of Informatics) have produced a podcast in which they discuss theoretical and philosophical aspects of computing in their native language for interested laypeople. If you understand Swiss German, have a listen!

  • Dr. Ning Wang (UZH) speaking at the 20th anniversary of Swissnex, 26.10.2023; feminine-appearing person wearing a green top, black pants and a side braid placed over the left shoulder stands in front of a group of people and gives a lecture

    Cities in the Age of AI

    Dr. Ning Wang spoke at the 3rd event of the event series Swissnex hold as part of its 20th anniversary program "Metropolis: Sustainable Futures Under Construction".

  • white silhouettes of Lorenz Hilty and James Maguire on a light green background

    Digitizing the environmental paradigm

    The Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society hosted one of their "Making Sense of the Digital Society" lectures on the topic of digitizing the environmental paradigm.

  • Dr. Ning Wang contributed to the World Economic Forum’s leadership collection piece

    In support of the 2023 "Summer Davos" summit by the World Economic Forum, Dr. Ning Wang was invited to share her expert view in a leadership collection piece on the topic of "Economic Decoupling".

  • Honorary Fellow Award for Lorenz Hilty

    The ICT4S community awarded the first Honorary Fellow Award to Professor Lorenz Hilty at its annual conference in Rennes, France.

  • Panel discussion with Katja Gentinetta and Niko Paech

    Within the research project "Pathways to Sufficiency", a panel discussion between Dr. Katja Gentinetta and Prof. Niko Paech was organised. The guests discussed whether economic growth is a strategy for a sustainable society. 

  • Digital Reset Book Cover

    Digital Reset Report Published as a Book

    The Report presenting the results of the international "Digital for Sustainablity Project" has now been published as a book. The report provides an overview of the policial challenges in redirecting the development of digital technologies for a deep sustainability transformation.

  • WEF Report Cover

    WEF: Using Digital Technology for a Green and Just Recovery in Cities

    The World Economic Forum just released a report describing how "digitally empowered cities" can be inclusive and sustainable. Jan Bieser acted as lead author.

    Today, over 54% of all people live in cities, a proportion that will rise to 68% by 2050. It is therefore essential to find ways to use the transformative power of digital technologies in a sustainable way. 

  • Honeybee collecting pollen

    Anna Jancso receives the Faculty's Impact Award for her Master's thesis

    The Master's thesis contributes to research on honey bee populations by automating the observation of bees and classifying the pollen they are harvesting with a technology that does not disturb the beehives. For her work, Anna Jancso got the first Impact Award of the UZH's Economic Faculty at Master level.

  • Smartphone Picture

    Radio report on CO2 footprint of the ICT sector

    Christina Scheidegger interviewed Jan Bieser from the ISR group on the CO2footprint of the ICT sector for "Echo der Zeit", SRF1 radio.

  • Social and technical aspects of sharing

    New article on digital sharing economy

    With the diffusion of digital technologies, new forms of sharing have emerged called 'the sharing economy'. A recent article by Maria Pouri provides a comprehensive definition and analysis of the digital sharing economy, paving the ground for sustainablity assessment.

  • Study cover

    Study on 5G and climate protection

    Together with Empa, Swisscom and Swisscleantech, the ISR Group has published a study on the impact of 5G mobile networks on climate protection in Switzerland. The study calculates scenarios for Switzerland in 2030 and answers the following questions:

    (1) How much greenhouse gas emissions will be caused by production and operation of 5G network infrastructure?

    (2) What use cases will benefit from 5G mobile networks and what is their potential to contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions?

  • Speaker Lorenz Hilty

    Numérique et environnement – Conference at University of Geneva

    Doreen Bogdan-Martin (ITU), Bruno Pozzi (UNEP) and Lorenz Hilty (UZH) discussed the role of ICT in a sustainable future on invitation of Yaniv Benhamou, Faculty of Law, University of Geneva. Whole conference available on Youtube, Lorenz Hilty's speech starts at minute 24.

  • Bristol

    2nd Workshop on Digitally Enabled Sharing and Sustainability (DESS)

    The ISR group is inviting Contributions for the 2nd Workshop on Digital Sharing and Sustainability (DESS) in conjunction with VIRTUAL ICT4S 2020 in Bristol, organised by Maria Pouri and Lorenz Hilty

  • Business Models of Digital Sharing

    Maria J. Pouri will present her paper "A Typology of Digital Sharing Business Models: A Design Science Research Approach"  at the DESRIST conference in December.

  • Cover Bitkom Studie

    Klimaschutz durch digitale Technologien

    This new report published in German language by Bitkom is based on a meta-study by the ISR group in cooperation with Borderstep Institute Berlin. Bitkom is Germany's digital association representing more than 2700 companies in the ICT sector. The report shows that the potential of the digitalisation for greenhouse gas abatement can be much higher than its own carbon footprint - but that targeted action is needed to exploit this potential.

  • Master Project 2020 – Bee observation platform for citizen science

    We are searching for two Master Project candidates with interest in DevOps, Software Architecture and Integration.  The goal of this project is  is the creation of a platform to integrate bee observations  as well as to realise bee tracking functionality through video. This project builds on an existing Master project.

  • 5G antenna

    New study: Next generation mobile networks - problem or solution for climate protection?

    The ISR group started a research project to assess the opportunities and risks of next generation mobile networks (5G) for climate protection in cooperation with Swisscom AG, swisscleantech and Empa. The results will be published in the mid of 2020.

  • Digit for env title

    Digitalize for the Environment

    Jan Bieser from the Informatics and Sustainability Research Group together with researchers from 7 other institutions has published the guide Digitalize for the environment.

    The guide targets municipalities and companies who want to explore and realize the potential of digitalization.

    Download the guide here.

  • Image Smartphone and Laptop

    Extending the lifespan of mobile devices

    The ISR group and four research groups from ZHAW will work together on LIFESAVING (Extending the lifespan of mobile devices), a project of the National Research Programme “Sustainable Economy” (NRP 73).

  • LUT Green Campus

    Call for Participation/Contributions: Workshop on "(How) can our digitalized society operate within planetary boundaries?"

    In this participatory workshop, we aim to gather participants from academia as well as from industry to jointly develop the vision of digital sufficiency. We will discuss ideas, findings and proposals that contribute to the vision of digital sufficiency.

  • Lappeenranta, Finland

    Call for contributions: First Workshop on Digitally Enabled Sharing and Sustainability (DESS)

    We are inviting submissions to The First Workshop on Digitally Enabled Sharing
 and Sustainability (DESS), which will be held in conjunction with the 6th international conference on ICT for Sustainability (ICT4S 2019) in Lappeenranta, Finland.

  • Hauptbühne Bits und Bäume

    Bits & Bäume in Berlin: Keynote von Lorenz Hilty

    Die weltweit erste Bits & Bäume Konferenz fand am 17. und 18. November an der TU Berlin mit über 1500 Teilnehmenden statt. Lorenz Hilty war zu einer Keynote eingeladen. Ziel von "Bits & Bäume" ist es, die Communities der Digitalisierung und der Nachhaltigkeit zusammenzuführen.

  • Best Paper EnviroInfo 2018

    Best Paper Award at EnviroInfo 2018

    Maria J. Pouri, PhD student at the Department of Informatics of UZH and her supervisor Lorenz Hilty, got the best paper award for their contribution ICT-Enabled Sharing Economy and Environmental Sustainability – a Resource-oriented Approach at the 32nd annual EnviroInfo conference which was held at the Leibniz Supercomputing Centre in Garching near Munich (press release). Foto: Allesandro Podo, LRZ

  • Group Picture ICT4S 2018

    Best Paper Award at ICT4S 2018

    The paper of Jan Bieser and Lorenz Hilty on "Indirect Effects of the Digital Transformation on Environmental Sustainability" received the best paper award at the Conference on Information and Communication Technology for Sustainability 2018 (ICT4S 2018) in Toronto, Canada.

  • Sustainable Software

    Sustainable Software

    New article on Sustainable Software published in Future Generation Computer Systems by Eva Kern, Lorenz Hilty and further researchers. You can access the article here.

  • Agent-Based Modeling of Wood Markets

    Stefan Holm's dissertation has now been published. You can download the full text here.

  • Best Paper Award in Creativity and Innovation Management (CIM)

    Joachim Scholderer and his co-authors have won the Creativitiy and Innovation Management (CIM) Best Paper Award 2017. The paper “In Search of New Product Ideas: Identifying Ideas in Online Communities by Machine Learning and Text Mining” (paper) was selected by the editorial board of CIM as best paper 2017.

  • Simulating the Post-fossil Swiss City

    The ISR group and Empa’s Technology and Society Lab will work together on CAPATHITY (Constraint-aware PATHways to the post-fossil Swiss cITY), a project of the National Research Programme “Sustainable Economy” (NRP 73).

  • New Study on Digitalization and Climate Protection Published

    The ISR group published a new study on “Opportunities and Risks of Digitalization for Climate Protection in Switzerland” in cooperation with the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) and Swisscom, authored by Lorenz Hilty and Jan Bieser.

  • ICT4S Summer School in Leiden

    How can digitalization support a sustainable future? This is the key question of the first international ICT4S summer school, which will be held at the Lorentz Center in Leiden, Netherlands. 

  • Use, storage and disposal of electronic equipment in Switzerland

    Article accepted for publication in Environmental Science and Technology. Electronic devices contain important resources, including precious and critical raw materials. 

  • Greening through ICT

    In a research cooperation with WWF and Swisscom AG, the ISR group is studying the opportunities and risks of digitalization for the environment and quality of life in Switzerland. The results of the study will be published in June 2017.

  • Best Paper Award and Students' Award at EnviroInfo 2016

    Two awards for ISR students at the 30th EnviroInfo conference that was held in September 2016 in Berlin. EnviroInfo

  • Was leisten Wissenschaftsverlage heute eigentlich noch?

    Eine Glosse über unsere Erfahrungen bei der Herausgabe eines Springer-Bandes hat auf eine Diskussion ausgelöst...

  • LIMITS 2015 paper published online

    Computing Efficiency, Sufficiency, and Self-sufficiency: A Model for Sustainability? This paper presented by Lorenz Hilty via Internet at LIMITS 2015, the First Workshop on Computing within Limits, in Irvine, CA, USA, is available for download.

  • Grüne Software

    Wie kann Software zur Schonung natürlicher Ressourcen beitragen? Das Umweltbundesamt (Deutschland) veröffentlicht eine neue Studie, die wir gemeinsam mit den Berliner Instituten IZT und Borderstep erarbeitet haben.

  • Information Technology and Renewable Energy

    Special issue released: The April 2015 issue of Environmental Impact Assessment Review, edited by Lorenz Hilty and Bernd Page, provides a broad overview of ICT-based approaches to meet the challenges of renewable energy solutions.

  • Masterarbeit: Materialflussanalyse seltener Metalle in der Technosphäre

    Tool für die Berechnung von probabilistischen dynamischen Materialflusanalysen für seltene Metalle in der Technosphäre (in Python 3)

  • Special Issue of EMS Published

    The ISR group edited a special issue on "Modeling and Evaluating the Sustainability of Smart Solutions" of "Environmental Modeling and Software".

  • Open PhD Position

    Agent-based modeling of renewable energy markets.

  • New Project: CarbonFoodPrint

    A database calculating the carbon footprint of meals will support climate-friendly catering.

  • New Publications

    The year 2014 started for the ISR group with three important publications.

  • Energy Demand of Internet Data Flows: New Publication

    The paper on 'Energy Demand of Internet Data Flows' has been published in the Journal of Industrial Ecology on July 31, 2013

  • Lorenz Hilty Affiliated Professor at KTH Stockholm

    The Center for Sustainable Communications at the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm (KTH) appointed Prof. Dr. Lorenz Hilty affiliated professor of ICT for sustainable development.

  • Call for Papers: Software Engineering Aspects of Green Computing (Track at ACM SAC 2013)

    September 21, 2012: Deadline for submission of the Software Engineering Aspects of Green Computing track at the 2013 Symposium on Applied Computing.

  • Opportunities and Risks of Geolocation Technologies: New Study Published

    The Swiss Center for Technology Assessment (TA-SWISS) in Berne has published the results of a project led by Lorenz Hilty.

  • Environmental Informatics Prize for Students 2012

    Deadline: June 30, 2012

  • Effects of Internet-Based Multiple-Site Conferences on Greenhouse Gas Emissions

    The paper on "Effects of Internet-Based Multiple-Site Conferences on Greenhouse Gas Emissions" by Vlad Coroama, Lorenz M. Hilty and Martin Birtel has been published (see DOI).

  • Annual Conference of the Green IT Science Forum

    ISR co-organized the annual Conference of the Green ICT Science Forum, which took place at the Museum for Commmunication, Berlin, on Nov. 2nd, 2011.

  • ISR Group joins Green IT Science Forum

    The ISR group has joined the Green IT Science Forum (Wissenschaftsforum Green IT), a network of five leading institutes working on Green IT/ICT and holding joint annual conferences. 

  • CJC

    Lorenz Hilty to speak at EJC 2011 in Montreal

    Prof. Lorenz Hilty has accepted an invitation to speak on “Sustainability of ICT – issues of dependability on technical and natural systems” at the 24th Entretiens Jacques Cartier (EJC) in Montreal on October 4, 2011.