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Call for Contributions
We are inviting submissions to The Second Workshop on Digitally Enabled Sharing and Sustainability (DESS) that will be held in conjunction with the 7thinternational conference on ICT for Sustainability (ICT4S 2020) in Bristol, UK. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, ICT4S is going fully virtual.
Topic and goal
The digital transition of society has changed sharing practices and scaled them up to become a phenomenon: the digitally enabled sharing economy or the “digital sharing economy” (DSE) for short. As a prominent enabler of change in consumption patterns, the DSE has allowed people to collaborate in providing and receiving services in their peer networks.
Participating in the DSE is becoming increasingly interesting and more effective in the eyes of its users. The effects of this new trend, however, may be positive or negative from a sustainability perspective. The DSE can optimize the consumption and utilization of available products while improving connectedness for social collaboration. Nevertheless, it has raised concerns about the 'rebound effects' caused by the savings obtained from sharing systems and also about the social status of its participants, including fairness and working conditions, and other social and economic issues.
This workshop is planned to raise critical questions and discussions about the potential and actual impacts of the digital sharing economy on sustainability with the primary aim to help such impacts be identified, understood, and dealt with. This can be achieved by addressing the following (or related) questions:
What makes digital sharing different from traditional sharing?
How can we characterize the social and economic practices found in the DSE?
What are the main causal links between the DSE and sustainable development?
What are the potential impacts of the DSE on sustainability? How can we apply or extend the existing models to structure them?
Under what conditions can digital sharing contribute to sustainable patterns of resource consumption and resource use?
This workshop aims to initiate motivating discussions and lightening talks among interested people from academia, including PhD students, participants from industry, and anyone who has an interest in the topic.
Registration and submissions
To attend the workshop, please register here. We invite short papers (Max. 5 pages) and short position paper (1-2 pages) for presentation and motivating discussions at the session. Please, submit your contributions via easychair. Submissions should conform to the ACM format (Word template, LaTex class file). Participation without own contribution is also welcome and encouraged.
Deadline for submission:15 April 2020
Submissions after this date can be still considered. However, authors may want to consider a good time for revisions and submissions for camera-ready versions to be prepared.
Feedback: Within two weeks after submission
Camera-ready:15 May 2020
Workshop date: 26 June 2020
Download the workshop flyer here (PDF, 614 KB).
For further questions, please contact Maria Pouri.