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Department of Informatics Computation and Economics Research Group

New Collaboration with Zhejiang University and Alibaba

We are happy to announce a new collaboration between the University of Zurich, Zhejiang University (Hangzhou, China) and the Alibaba Group (Hangzhou, China). On November 11th, we celebrated the opening of the new "Interdisciplinary Research Lab on Service, Economics, Management and Compution (SEMCom)" at Zhejiang University in China.

The primary goal of this new collaboration is to enable interdisciplinary research collaborations on topics related to service computing, electronic market design, and e-commerce. The establishment of the new research lab shall encourage mutual visits of faculty and students, foster academic exchange and enable the development of joint research activities. We are looking forward to many fruitful collaborations in the future.

The founding members of this research lab are:

The current members of the lab's advisory board are:

Here are some impressions from the opening ceremony day:

Welcome Speech by Prof. Wu (Vice President of Zhejiang University)
Unveiling of the commemorative plaque. From left to right: Liang Chunxiao (Alibaba Group), Prof. Zhaohui Wu (ZJU), and Prof. Sven Seuken (UZH).
Commemorative plaque; from left to right: Prof. Hu (UZH), Prof. Seuken (UZH), Prof. Wu (ZJU), Prof. Deng (ZJU).
Visit of Alibaba Group Headquarters.
