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Department of Informatics Computation and Economics Research Group

4 PhD students successfully defended their PhD thesis

Over the last six months, four PhD students of the Economics and Computation Research Group have successfully defended their PhD thesis:

  1. July 23, 2019: Dmitry Moor defended his PhD thesis on "Designing Combinatorial Markets for Distributed Data" (external reviewer: Prof. Dr. Enrico Gerding). Next, Dmitry will join Spotify Research as a research scientist.
  2. August 30, 2019: Steffen Schuldenzucker defended his PhD thesis on "A Formal Analysis of Complexity and Systemic Risk in Financial Networks with Derivatives" with summa cum laude (external reviewers: Prof. Michael Wellman, PhD and Prof. Constantinos Daskalakis, PhD). Next, Steffen will use his SNF Early PostDoc.Mobility Fellowship to study "algorithmic market making." To this end, he will join the Computer Science Department at the Goethe University Frankfurt as a postdoc and work with Prof. Dr. Martin Hoefer.
  3. September 24, 2019: Mike Shann defended his PhD thesis on "A Smart Thermostat for Demand-Side Management With Real-Time Electricity Prices" (external reviewer: Prof. Dr. Alex Rogers). Mike has joined the company dormakab as a software engineer to work in the IoT sector.
  4. January 15, 2019: Gianluca Brero defended his PhD thesis "Machine Learning-powered Iterative Combinatorial Auctions" with summa cum laude (external reviewers: Prof. David Parkes, PhD and Prof. Benjamin Lubin, PhD). Next, Gianluca will use his SNF Early PostDoc.Mobility Fellowship to study "deep reinforcement learning." To this end, he will join the Computer Science Department of Harvard University as a postdoc to work with Prof. David Parkes.

Congratulations everyone, and welcome to the club!!

