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Department of Informatics Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Group

Master Projects

Open Projects

Here is a list of Master projects for which we are currently looking for students:

Additionally, when you already have assembled a team and a particular project in mind that is related to machine learning or artificial intelligence, feel free to contact me. You should also consider the AIML Group's topics of interest, which can be seen in Theses.

Current Projects




Real-Time Sleep Stage Classification from EEG Signals for Closed Loop Rocking Bed System Integration  

Heba Hussein

Nikolai Horozov

Ziran Lin

Extending Open-Source Toolbox for Open-Set Recognition Description (PDF, 270 KB)

Qichen Zhao

Yuchen Qin

Past Projects

Topic Documents Team
Foundational Models for EEG Signal Analysis

Report (PDF, 2 MB)

BibTeX (BIB, 424 bytes)

Glenn Bucagu

Alexandru Dimofte

Exploring Layer Freezing in Transfer Learning:  A Deep Neural Networks Study

Report (PDF, 3 MB)

BibTeX (BIB, 465 bytes)

Arnisa Fazla

David Guzman Piedrahita

Tushar Deo Manekar

Cross-Domain HAR: Self-supervised Learning and Enhanced Finetuning Approaches

Report (PDF, 3 MB)

BibTeX (BIB, 418 bytes)

Hyeongkyun Kim

Orestis Oikonomou

Redesign and Extension of Source Code Package for Open-Set Classification

Project (PDF, 132 KB)

Report (PDF, 889 KB)

BibTeX (BIB, 436 bytes)

Nicolas Fazli Kohler

Dean Heizmann

David Lebrec

Parallel Implementation of Gabor Wavelet Processing in PyTorch

Project (PDF, 130 KB)

Report (PDF, 2 MB)

BibTeX (BIB, 380 bytes)

Huiran Duan

Zelin Wu

Activity recognition based on the wrist-worn Axivity AX3

Report (PDF, 7 MB)

BibTeX (BIB, 337 bytes)

Siqi Bao

He Liu

UniFi - A Unified Framework for Portfolio Management

Project (PDF, 126 KB)

Report (PDF, 2 MB)

BibTeX (BIB, 393 bytes)

Barıs Özakar

Dogan Parlak

Emine Didem Durukan

Open-Source Package for Generic Deep-Network-based Face Detection and Recognition in Bob

Project (PDF, 138 KB)

Report (PDF, 1 MB)

BibTeX (BIB, 380 bytes)

Yu Linghu

Xinyi Zhang

Parallel Implementation of Data Augmentation for Alignment-Free Facial Attribute Classification in PyTorch

Project (PDF, 130 KB)

Report (PDF, 6 MB)

BibTeX (BIB, 417 bytes)

Yves Rutishauser

Noah Chavannes