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Department of Informatics People and Computing Lab

New Job Position

As posted on the Jobs page:

We are looking for a Masters student to work on programming a novel multi-modal application for mobile devices. Suitable for a Masters Thesis, can also be a paid position.

The job involves development of web code (client and server) as well as Java for Android and possibly native code, and identifying and integrating suitable existing libraries, to create an application that combines multiple devices, including PCs, tablets and smart phones. Image and video recognition will be an important component of the system.

This is a prototype system meant for user tests with non-experts, as part of a larger research project. Interested candidates may have the opportunity to be involved in the design of the user experience and the execution of user studies if they so desire. The work is expected to lead to academic publication(s), and students who make significant contributions will receive credit as co-authors.

Contact Gunnar Harboe about this position.
