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Prof. Dr. Tülin Kaman is a senior fellow at the Collegium Helveticum, a joint Institute for Advanced Study of ETH, UZH and ZHdK, and a visiting math professor in the Department of Informatics at the University of Zurich. She and Prof. Dr. Renato Pajarola (IfI, Visualization and MultiMedia Lab) organize the workshop «Uncertainties in Climate and Weather Predictions» which will be held on Monday, January 13th, 2025 from 17:00 to 19:30 in the Meridian Hall at Collegium Helveticum.
Together with Prof. Susanne Suter from the FHNW (lead) and industry partner Ecolution, Prof. Pajarola has received a 50K Hasler grant for the project "Innovation in Swiss Building Renovation: Automated Potential Estimation with Digital Twins".
Haiyan Yang has successfully defended her dissertation. Congratulations!
Lars Zawallich has successfully defended his dissertation. Congratulations!
Alireza Amiraghdam has successfully defended his dissertation. Congratulations!
Our paper «Visual-assisted Outlier Preservation for Scatterplot Sampling» by Haiyan Yang and Renato Pajarola, will be presented by Haiyan Yang at the Vision, Modeling and Visualization (VMV) Conference 2023 in Braunschweig.
The paper «High-dimensional Scalar Function Visualization Using Principal Parameterizations» by Rafael Ballester-Ripoll, Gaudenz Halter, and Renato Pajarola has been accepted as an article in the Visual Computer journal.
At ACM SIGGRAPH we will present the poster «Automatic architectural floorplan reconstruction», authored by Adilla Böhmer-Mzee, Lizeth J. Fuentes Perez, and Renato Pajarola. Furthermore, at EG2023 we will present «Multi-display ray tracing framework» as a Poster, authored by Luciano A. Romero Calla, Bipul Mohanto, Renato Pajarola, and Oliver Staadt, a collaboration between UZH and University of Rostock.
The VMML researcher Lizeth Fuentes will attend ACM SIGGRAPH 2022 in Vancouver and she will be supported by WiGRAPH's inaugural Rising Stars in Computer Graphics program. Congratulations to Lizeth for receiving this support to attend the ACM SIGGRAPH conference!
Renato has received, together with partners from the University of Buenos Aires, an SNF SPIRIT grant of 500K CHF for the project «UnWeather Vizard: Uncertainty Visualization and Analysis of High-Resolution Numeric Weather Forecasts». Congratulations!
The paper «LOOPS: Locally Optimized Polygon Simplification» by Alireza Amiraghdam, Alexandra Diehl and Renato Pajarola will be presented at this year's EuroVis Conferences in Rome and also appears as a journal article in the Computer Graphics Forum.
There is currently on open position for a Research Assistant/PhD Student in Computer Science at the University of Zürich in the area of interactive data analysis and visualization of audio-visual movie archives data.
In addition to the recent «Walk2Map» paper that will be presented at EUROGRAPHICS 2021 (EG2021), we have three more upcoming presentations. Also at EG2021 we will present «VisGuided: A Community-driven Approach for Education in Visualization» as an Education Paper, authored by Alexandra Diehl, Elif E. Firat, Thomas Torsney-Weir, Alfie Abdul-Rahman, Benjamin Bach, Robert S. Laramee, Renato Pajarola, and Min Chen, a collaboration with several different UK universities. Furthermore, we will have two full-length Computer Graphics Forum journal articles, «SenVis: Interactive Tensor-based Sensitivity Visualization» by Haiyan Yang, Rafael Ballester-Ripoll, and Renato Pajarola as well as «Hornero: Thunderstorms Characterization using Visual Analytics» by Alexandra Diehl, Rodrigo Pelorosso, Juan Ruiz, Renato Pajarola, M. Eduard Gröller and Stefan Bruckner, which will both be presented at the EuroVis Conference 2021 (EuroVis2021).
Renato Pajarola has received, together with partners from the EPFL and the University of Amsterdam, a Sinergia grant for the project «Narratives from the long tail: Transforming access to audiovisual archives». Congratulations!
The paper «Walk2Map: Extracting Floor Plans from Indoor Walk Trajectories» by Dr. Claudio Mura and co-authors Profs. R. Pajarola (UZH), K. Schindler (ETH) and N. Mitra (UCL) will be presented at this year’s online EUROGRAPHICS Conference 2021 in Vienna and also appear as journal article in the Computer Graphics Forum.
The University of Zurich recognizes with the "Teachers of the Hour" award the special achievements of teachers during the challenging time of the COVID 19-crisis. Michael Böhlen, Renato Pajarola and Sven Seuken werde nominated as "Teachers of the Hour". They have been particularly successful in transferring their teaching to the digital context.
The VMML researcher Lizeth Fuentes will attend the GHC220 as a scholarship winner. The Grace Hopper Celebration is the world's largest gathering of women technologists; this year taking place virtually from 29 September to 3 October 2020.
The VMML researchers Claudio Mura, Lizeth Fuentes and Renato Pajarola have contributed a state-of-the-art presentation on the topic of structured indoor modeling to the Eurographics 2020 conference, the leading computer graphics conference in Europe. The work, done in collaboration with the CRS4 research center and the National Research Council (CNR) in Italy, summarizes the current state of the research in the creation of semantically and visually rich 3D representations of indoor environments, which has been a major line of research here at VMML. The review will also be available in the form of an article in the journal Computer Graphics Forum.
Our paper "LOCALIS: Locally-adaptive Line Simplification for GPU-based Geographic Vector Data Visualization" by Alireza Amiraghdam, Alexandra Diehl and Renato Pajarola, won the honorable mention award at EuroVis 2020. The paper, which will appear in the Computer Graphics Forum Journal, introduces a novel technique for simplifying and rendering large-scale geographic line datasets in real time on the GPU.
Our long-term research on distributed cluster-parallel interactive rendering and the corresponding development of the Equalizer framework has lead to an updated system publication called "Equalizer 2.0 - Convergence of a Parallel Rendering Framework” co-authored by Stefan Eilemann, David Steiner, and Renato Pajarola. The paper has appeard in the IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics journal.
Prof. Renato Pajarola gave a Keynote talk on «3D Indoor Reconstruction from Point Clouds» at the International Conference on Smart Tools and Applications in Graphics in Cagliari.
Dr. Alexandra Diehl and Prof. Renato Pajarola co-organized a Meetup at the IEEE Visualization Conference 2019 on «Viewpoints on diversity through the VIS history».
As part of a long-term collaboration on geometry processing with Prof. Yongwei Miao, Prof. Renato Pajarola visited the Zhejiang University, Zhejiang University of Technology as well as Zhejiang Shuren University in Hangzhou and gave various talks on «Multidimensional Data Visualization using Tensor Methods» and «3D Indoor Reconstruction from Point Clouds».
Renato Pajarola, Chairman of the Department of Informatics, wins a substantial support for EVOCATION, a project led in cooperation with colleagues from the University of Rostock, Centro di Ricerca, Sviluppo e Studi Superiori in Sardegna, TU Wien and Frauenhofer IGD. The project in the field of Visual and Geometric Computing will be supported with 3.6M Euro in total.
Our work «ASPIRE: Automatic Scanner Position Reconstruction», by Georgios-Tsampikos Michailidis and Renato Pajarola, won the 2nd Best Visual Computer Paper Award at the Computer Graphics International conference 2019. The paper, which will appear in the Visual Computer Journal, introduces a novel method to recover lost scan locations from 3D clouds generated by scanning indoor environments.
Our long-term research on tensor decomposition and approximation techniques in visual computing has resulted in a new paper: "TTHRESH: Tensor Compression for Multidimensional Visual Data" co-authored by Rafael Ballester-Ripoll, Peter Lindstrom and Renato Pajarola. The paper will appear in the IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics journal.
AIMiner selected Prof. Renato Pajarola as one of the 100 Most Influential Scholar in Computer Graphics. The selection is based on his publications between 2007 and 2017.
Prof. Renato Pajarola and his research group supports the digital film color analysis research project «FilmColors» in the Department of Film Studies.
They co-developed the software VIAN (Visual Video Annotation and Analysis), a platform for analyzing and visualizing film and video material. VIAN uses deep learning to extract automatically figures from the background.
Prof. Renato Pajarola will give a Keynote talk on “Tensor Methods in Visual Computing” at the International Symposium on Visual Computing (ISVC) in Las Vegas.
Prof. Renato Pajarola has been appointed as ACM Distinguished Speaker for a period of three years until 31 October 2021.
The Distinguished Speaker program features renowned thought leaders in academia, industry, and government speaking about challenging topics in computing today.
Dr. Rafael Ballester will present his paper Tensor Decompositions for Integral Histogram Compression and Look-Up at the IEEE Visualization Conference 2018 in Berlin. And Prof. Renato Pajarola will give a talk on “Tensor Approximation for Multidimensional and Multivariate Data” at the Dagstuhl Seminar 18442 – Visualization and Processing of Anisotropy in Imaging, Geometry, and Astronomy.
In September 2017, VMML group member Dr. Rafael Ballester-Ripoll has defended and completed his PhD thesis on “Tensor Methods for High-Dimensional Analysis and Visualization”.
The paper "Robust Normal Estimation in Unstructured 3D Point Clouds by Selective Normal Space Exploration" by Claudio Mura, Gregory Wyss and Renato Pajarola won the 2nd Best Paper Award at the CGI 2018 conference, held in Bintan, Indonesia on 11-14 June.
The work, which was published in the journal "The Visual Computer", proposes a fast and robust approach for estimating normal vectors in unstructured 3D point clouds.
Dr. Claudio Mura has received a one year UZH Forschungskredit research grant to support his postdoctoral research studies on Building-Scale Reconstruction and Analysis of Scanned 3D Models of Interiors.
Continuing our extensive work on interactive visualization and analysis of large scale multidimensional data, Haiyan Yang has joined the VMML as a research assistant and PhD student. In this project Haiyan will work on the adoption and application of tensor decomposition methods in the context of interactive visual analysis of high-dimensional data.
The organizers of the EUROGRAPHICS 2019 Conference in Genoa and the Eurographics Association have nominated Prof. Renato Pajarola to co-Chair the Workshops Program.
Working on the SNSF project on Reconstruction of Large-Scale Interior Environments, Lars Zawallich has joined the VMML as a research assistant and PhD student. In this project Lars will work on 3D reconstruction and semantic labeling of architectural indoor environments from point cloud data as acquired from laser-range scanners.
Our recent results in research on image integral histograms, geographic visualization and 3D reconstruction have lead to three new journal articles. The paper "Tensor Decompositions for Integral Histogram Compression and Look-Up" by Rafael Ballester-Ripoll and Renato Pajarola will appear in the IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics journal, and will be also presented at the 2018 IEEE Visualization conference. The paper "Storytelling in Interactive 3D Geographic Visualization Systems" by Matthias Thöny et al. will appear in the ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, and the paper "Robust Normal Estimation in Unstructured 3D Point Clouds by Selective Normal Space Exploration" by Claudio Mura, Gregory Wyss and Renato Pajarola will appear in The Visual Computer journal.
During the celebrations of the 25th Anniversary and Alumni Homecoming event of the WWF faculty, Prof. Pajarola volunteered to serve pasta and Capuns, a food specialty from his home canton prepared by the caterer, to the present guests.
The new paper "Multiresolution Volume Filtering in the Tensor Compressed Domain" by Rafael Ballester-Ripoll, David Steiner and Renato Pajarola will appear in the IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics journal, and will be also presented at the 2018 PacificVis conference.
Our efforts on developing an educational cross-platform software framework for 3D graphics software development have led to a paper at this year's Eurographics Conference in Lyon. The paper "bRenderer: A Flexible Basis for a Modern Computer Graphics Curriculum" by Benjamin Bürgisser, David Steiner, and Renato Pajarola will be presented in the educational papers track.
At the upcoming Digital Society Initiative (DSI) event on "Medien im digitalen Wandel – Fake News, Social Bots ind Manipulation" on September 15, Prof. Pajarola will give short panel statement on the manipulation of digital images and videos.
VMML's involvement at the Scientifica 2017 has also been included in a short video in 'big data' from the UZH communications office.
The Visualization and MultiMedia Lab will present two of its current research projects at the upcoming Scientifica 2017 on September 1. to 3. As part of its exhibition booth T11: "Wie aus räumlichen Daten Wissen wird: Big Data in 3D", the reconstruction of architectural indoor models from 3D laser range scan data as well as the interactive and parallel visualization of large scale data is presented.
Our research in geographic visualization and 3D reconstruction has lead to two journal articles. The paper "Large-Scale Pixel-Precise Deferred Vector Maps" by Matthias Thöny, Markus Billeter and Renato Pajarola will appear in the Computer Graphics Forum journal. Additionally, the paper "Robust Enhancement of Depth Images from Depth Sensors" by A.B. M. Tariqul Islam, Christian Scheel, Renato Pajarola, and Oliver G. Staadt will appear in Computers & Graphics. At the Workshop on Computer Vision in Digital Humanities, we present our work on "Deep Learning Tools for Foreground-Aware Analysis of Film Colors" by Barbara Flückiger, Noyan Evirgen, Enrique G. Paredes, Rafael Ballester-Ripoll, and Renato Pajarola.
Claudio Mura will present a poster on "Exploiting the room structure of buildings for scalable architectural modeling of interiors" at this years ACM SIGGRAPH in Los Angeles.
During the 'Informatik Tage 2017' on June 16./17., the VMML previewed its presentation and demos on architectural 3D indoor reconstruction as well as large scale 3D data visualization which both will also feature at the Scientifica 2017 event.
Working on the recently awarded SNSF project on Perceptual and Foveated Adaptive Level-of-Detail in Interactive Geographic Feature Visualization, Alireza Amiraghdam has joined the VMML as a research assistant and PhD student. In this exciting collaboration with the Department of Geography, Alireza will work on view-dependent level-of-detail methods for the interactive visualization of geographic vector feature data.
Another VMML group member, Dr. Claudio Mura, has submitted and defended his PhD thesis on "Room-aware Architectural 3D Modeling of Building Interiors from Point Clouds" on May 30, 2017.
After some time another VMML group member, Dr. Matthias Thöny, has successfully completed and defend his doctoral thesis on "Interactive Visualization of Large Scale Geographic Data" on March 1, 2017. We are glad he will stay with us for some more time to work on geo-visualization projects.
The ACM Senior Member Committee has awarded Prof. Renato Pajarola the ACM Senior Membership status in recognition of his contributions to computer science research. More at: ACM Senior Members.
Our work "Piecewise-planar Reconstruction of Multi-room Interiors with Arbitrary Wall Arrangements" by Claudio Mura, Oliver Mattausch and Renato Pajarola, won the Best Student Paper Award at the Pacific Graphics 2016 conference.
The paper, which will appear in the prestigious Computer Graphics Forum journal, introduces a novel method to extract a compact 3D model of an indoor environment from a set of 3D point clouds.
Our project on "Perceptual and Foveated Adaptive Level-of-Detail in Interactive Geographic Feature Visualization" has been awarded a 3-year Swiss National Science Foundation (SNF) research grant. In this project, we bring together two areas of expertise – concepts from geometric simplification and from cartographic generalization – to come up with efficient ways to interactively visualize and analyze large geo-spatial data sets, and we explore a novel gaze-contingent design framework to manage the level-of-detail with both computational and human factors in mind. Dr. Arzu Çöltekin, Prof. Sara I. Fabrikant and Prof. Robert Weibel will support this project in the areas of geo-visualization and perception. See also our current and previous publications on terrain rendering, scientific, geo-visualization.
At the latest IEEE Senior Member panel meeting in Hongkong in September 2016, among others Prof. Renato Pajarola has been awarded IEEE Senior Membership status as an honor bestowed to those who have made significant contributions to the profession and their field of research.
The increased activities in visualization research at the VMML have lead to two papers to be presented at this years ACM SIGGRAPH Asia Symposium on Visualization, namely "Deferred Vector Map Visualization" by Matthias Thöny, Markus Billeter and Renato Pajarola as well as "A Surrogate Visualization Model Using the Tensor Train Format" by Rafael Ballester-Ripoll, Enrique G. Paredes, andRenato Pajarola.
Our research activities in architectural 3D indoor reconstruction has resulted in two A-class journal articles. The paper "Piecewise-planar Reconstruction of Multi-room Interiors with Arbitrary Wall Arrangements" by Claudio Mura, Oliver Mattauschand Renato Pajarola will appear in the Computer Graphics Forum journal and will also be presented at the Pacific Graphics Conference in October 2016. Furthermore, the paper "Bayesian Graph-Cut Optimization for Wall Surfaces Reconstruction in Indoor Environments" by Georgios-Tsampikos Michailidis and Renato Pajarola has appeared online in The Visual Computer in April 2016.
Based on the VMML's long-term research agenda in tensor decomposition models of high-dimensional visual data, a tutorial on "Tensor Decomposition Methods in Visual Computing" will be presented by Rafael Ballester-Ripoll and Renato Pajarola at the annual IEEE Visualization Conference in Baltimore in late October. Furthermore, the paper "Compressing Bidirectional Texture Functions via Tensor Train Decomposition" will be presented by Rafael Ballester-Ripoll at the Pacific Graphics Conference earlier in October.
The Executive Committee of the European Association for Computer Graphics (EG) elected Prof. Renato Pajarola, together with Profs. P. Cignoni and H.-C. Hege, to become new Eurographics Fellows. The EG Fellow nomination was made in recognition of Prof. Pajarola’s important contributions to scalable graphics and data intensive visualization, as well as based on his continuous service to the Eurographics community (e.g. co-chairing of Eurographics 2015).
Contributing to the recently awarded SNSF project on Reconstruction of Large-Scale Interior Environments, Gregory Wysshas joined the VMML as a research assistant and fast-track PhD student. In this exciting project, Gregory will work on 3D reconstruction of architectural indoor environments, e.g. from point cloud data as acquired from laser-range scanners.
Our project on the Reconstruction of Large-Scale Interior Environments has been awarded a 3-year Swiss National Science Foundation (SNF) research grant. In this project, the robust as well as semi-automatic reconstruction of 3D models of interior home, office or industrial environments from laser-range 3D point scans will be investigated. The main goal is to detect and reconstruct the major architectural 3D structures as well as extract semantic information about rooms and floor plan layouts. See also our current and previous publicationson reconstruction, geometric modeling and point-based graphics.
Eurographics is the only truly Europe-wide professional Computer Graphics association. The association supports its members in advancing the state of the art in Computer Graphics and related fields such as Multimedia, Scientific Visualization and Human Computer Interfaces. Its main annual event is the Eurographics Conference, which is one of the three largest and most important international graphics conferences. The Eurographics Conference 2015is co-organized by Prof. Dr. Renato Pajarola from UZH and Prof. Dr. Markus Gross from ETHZ and will be held at the Kongresshaus in Zürich from May 4th to 8th 2015.
The paper "CHC+RT: Coherent Hierarchical Culling for Ray Tracing" by Oliver Mattausch, Jirí Bittner, Alberto Jaspe Villanueva, Enrico Gobbetti, Michael Wimmer, and Renato Pajarola will be presented at this year's Eurographics Conference in Zürich and it will be published in the Computer Graphics Forum journal. This work was completed in collaboration with the Czech Technical University and CRS4. This project has received funding from the People Programme (Marie Curie Actions) of the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme FP7/2007-2013/ under REA grant agreement n°290227 "DIVA: Data Intensive Visualization and Analsys" (
The paper "Continuous Projection for Fast L1 Reconstruction" is going to be presented at the annual ACM SIGGRAPH conference 2014 in Vancouver and will be published in the ACM Transactions on Graphics. This work has been completed in collaboration with TU Vienna who has taken the lead. This project has received funding from the People Programme (Marie Curie Actions) of the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme FP7/2007-2013/ under REA grant agreement n°290227 "DIVA: Data Intensive Visualization and Analysis" (
Dr. Oliver Mattausch and Claudio Mura from VMML are going to present their paper on "Object Detection and Classification from Large-Scale Cluttered Indoor Scans" at this year's Eurographics Conference in Strasbourg. This work has been completed in collaboration with ETH Zürich (Dr. Daniele Panozzo, Prof. Dr. Olga Sorkine-Hornung) and is supported by the EU FP7 People Programme (Marie Curie Actions) under REA Grant Agreement no. 290227 "DIVA: Data Intensive Visualization and Analsys" (
In the context of large scale 3D point data acquisition, geometry processing and 3D reconstruction, we provide for research purposes a few new datasets on our webpage of varying complexity and size. These datasets of indoor environments and rooms exhibit complex architectural and object structures.
Susanne K. Suter's Dissertation on "Interactive Multiresolution and Multiscale Visualization of Large Volume Data" will receive the 'Jahrespreis 2013' of the University of Zürich (UZH), which will be conferred on her at the Dies Academicus on April 26, 2014.
This library is actively developed and maintained at the Visualization and Multimedia Lab. It is being used in both our research projects and in the industry. vmmlib runs on Unix (including Mac OS X, GNU/Linux and *BSD) and Windows (64-bit versions). This new release features several improvements and additional classes on tensor manipulation and approximation, as well as on image filtering.
In March, another VMML group member, Dr. Susanne Suter, has completed her PhD with submitting and defending her doctoral thesis titled "Interactive Multiresolution and Multiscale Visualization of Large Volume Data"
Our project on Distributed Parallel Rendering Services has been awarded a 3-year Hasler Foundation research grant. In this project, Prof. Pajarola in collaboration with the Blue Brain Project (BBP) at EPFL will lead the development of an improved cluster-parallel based rendering infrastructure, based on Equalizer, with improved data distribution techniques and a web-service like client interface. See also our current and previous publications on parallel graphics.
In the context of large volume data visualization, we provide for research purposes a few new test datasets on our webpage of varying size. These datasets of natural objects exhibit interesting structural features at multiple scales.
We present at EuroVis our research on multiscale and multiresolution direct volume rendering (DVR). In this paper, we developed a state-of-the-art interactive DVR system that uses global tensor approximation bases to directly model both multiscale feature extraction and multiresolution data visualization.
At the upcoming Eurographics conference, we are presenting in collaboration with other partners a STAR (state-of-the-art report) on the topic of compressed GPU-based direct volume rendering, and a tutorial on tensor approximation in visualization and graphics.
Prof. Pajarola has presented the DIVA training and research project at the SciTech Europe 2012 event in Brüssels on November 22, 2012. (Link: DIVA speakers included Prof. Pajarola from UZH and Prof. Staadt from UNIRO. The event involved presentations from high-profile researchers, science policy makers as well as government advisors. VMML and DIVA were organizing a so called Masterclass on "Data intensive interactive visualization and analysis challenges" which was held in the main auditorium as part of the "Technologies for the future" track. (Link: The session was well attended and raised notable interest from the audience and caused numerous interactions with other attendees and researchers from around Europe.
VMML organized the first DIVA Summer School, from Wednesday September 5th to Friday 7th 2012, and it was held at the Department of Informatics, University of Zürich. The three day summer school covered topics such as geometry processing and shape analysis, spatial and metric data structures, as well as intellectual property rights management. For further information see