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Department of Informatics Requirements Engineering Research Group

Martin Glinz retires by July 31, 2017

Photo of Martin Glinz

Martin Glinz is retiring from office. July 31, 2017 is his last official day as a professor of Informatics at UZH. However, as a professor emeritus, he will continue to be active in research, teaching and services.
In research, the next major event will be the RE'17 conference, where he is a co-author of two full papers, a data track paper and a poster. He also will give a keynote in the ModRE Workshop at RE'17.
In teaching, he will continue teaching his Requirements Engineering I and II courses at UZH for at least two years.
In services, he will continue serving as a PC member of major conferences, editorial board member of REJ and SoSyM and Chair of the IREB Council.


