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We provide students of all faculties with opportunities to write "Bacherlorarbeiten", "Masterarbeiten" (i.e., theses) or "Masterprojekte" in the broad context of dynamic and distributed information systems. Students in informatics, economics, electrical engineering, or other related fields from the University and ETH are very welcome to participate in our multidisciplinary research group.
This part of the web site is organized as follows. First, it contains a list of currently open and actively sought thesis topics. Second, we provide some general information about writing theses. Last but not least, it contains some general information about our typical topics in our reserach area.
Currently open Bachelor- and Mastertheses as well as Masterprojects can be found on the sub-page:
Please note that this list is just exemplary and may contain topics that have already been worked on. Hence, if you are looking for a thesis and did not find anything in the list above, please contact us at:
Below you can find some general information on writing a successful thesis. First, you can find some administrative information (on the grading procedure we rely on and the thesis template students writing theses in our group use), then we provide some general information on thesis writing.
For people who work on their thesis we offer a LaTeX thesis template:
We use the same grading criteria for all theses and projects, their relative weight varies by type. A detailed breakdown of these criteria can be found in the following document.
Please go to this page, to get an overview over possible topic areas. Please use these as an inspirational set to get a general mind-set about the kind of topics we usually work on. Some of the topics are actually still open, while others have already been worked on. If you feel attracted by one of the topics then come by and talk to us, we will find something that will meet your interest/expectations!