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Department of Informatics Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technologies

IOTA Wealth Evolution

Level: BA
Responsible Person: Dr. Nicolò Vallarano
Keywords: Wealth, inequality, cryptocurrency

In 2021 IOTA cryptocurrency underwent a transition from account-based to UTXO-based. This thesis aims to analyze the IOTA tokens' wealth distribution before and after said transition to assess the wealth centralization of IOTA tokens. The student will have access to the raw dataset of IOTA Transactions. As part of their duties, the students must clean the dataset, reconstruct the wealth time series, and apply inequality measures to infer the wealth distribution through time.


B. Kuśmierz and R. Overko, “How centralized is decentralized? Comparison of wealth distribution in coins and tokens.” arXiv, Jul. 04, 2022. doi: 10.48550/arXiv.2207.01340.