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Department of Informatics

Overview Course Content

The continuing education programme aims to pass on UZH's growing knowledge to people in practice by building a bridge between computer science and law as well as practical work. Accordingly, the following 11 course days are divided into three modules.

Module 1: Blockchain Regulation (4 days)

  • Day 1: Introduction to the Crypto Regulatory Landscape
  • Day 2: In-Depth Regulatory Analysis in the EU
  • Day 3:Regulatory Perspectives from the US, UK, and Asia
  • Day 4: Group Assignment Presentations

Module 2: Technical approach to Crypto Compliance (3 days)

  • Day 5: Fundamentals of Blockchain Technology 

  • Day 6: Advanced Blockchain Concepts 

  • Day 7: Blockchain Compliance 

Module 3. Blockchain Forensics (4 days)

  • Day 8: Introduction to Blockchain Forensics
  • Day 9: Advanced Compliance and Sanctions
  • Day 10: Case Studies in Blockchain
  • Day 11: Practical examples