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Department of Informatics Social Computing Group

Azza Bouleimen

Azza Bouleimen


Azza Bouleimen

PhD Student

Social Computing Group
Department of Informatics
University of Zurich
Andreasstr. 15 / Office AND 2.60
8050 Zürich


Short biography

Azza Bouleimen joined the Social Computing Group as a Ph.D. student in February 2022 under the supervision of Prof. Anikó Hannák. She also works at the Information Systems and Networking Institute (ISIN) at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland (SUPSI) under the supervision of Prof. Silvia Giordano. Her work focuses on studying user's susceptibilities to undesired behavior on social media. She is currently part of the CARISMA project which aims at providing regulation support to social media. Formally, she contributed to the LOIS project to study young people's online search behavior and their abilities to detect misinformation online.

Prior to her PhD, Azza obtained in 2020, a degree of Engineering in Telecommunications from the Higher School of Communications of Tunis (SUP’COM) - University of Carthage, during which she participated in a year exchange at the University of Padova - Italy - in 2019 / 2020. Before that, she obtained in 2017 a degree in First Cycle in Mathematics and Physics from Institut Préparatoire aux Études d’Ingénieur de Tunis (IPEIT) – University of Tunis.



Bouleimen, A., Pagan, N., Cresci, S., Urman, A., & Giordano, S. (2023, November). Dynamics of toxic behavior in the Covid-19 vaccination debate. In International Conference on Complex Networks and Their Applications (pp. 316-327). Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland.
Bouleimen, A., Luceri, L., Cardoso, F., Botturi, L., Hermida, M., Addimando, L., ... & Giordano, S. (2023). Online search is more likely to lead students to validate true news than to refute false ones. arXiv preprint arXiv:2303.13138.
Bouleimen A, Pagan N, Cresci S, Urman A, Nogara G, & Giordano S. User's Reaction Patterns in Online Social Network Communities. arXiv preprint arXiv:2309.03701. (2023)

Supervised projects

03/2023 - 09/2023: Baiyun Yuan, Univerisity of Zürich. "The analysis of recruitement criteria in China's Internet and Finance industries."

05/2023 - 09/2023: Davis Fusco, SUPSI. "Characterization users's undesired behavior on social media."

05/2022 - 09/2022: Diego Moranda, SUPSI. Bachelor thesis: "Disinformation and social media: how to characterize users."