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Department of Informatics Database Technology


We include the papers on this page to ensure timely dissemination on a noncommercial basis. Copyright and all rights therein are maintained by the authors or by other copyright holders, notwithstanding that they have offered their works here electronically. It is understood that all persons copying this information will adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by the copyrights. These works may not be reposted without the explicit permission of the copyright holder.

  • SIGMOD 2024, Correlation Joins over Time Series Data Streams Utilizing Complementary Dimension Reduction and Transformation pdf, A. Nikoo, M. H. Böhlen, S. Helmer.
  • VLDBJ 2023, Robust and Scalable Content- and-Structure Indexing pdf, K. Wellenzohn, M. H. Böhlen, S. Helmer, A. Pietri, S. Zacchiroli.
  • PVLDB 2022, Dynamic Spanning Trees for Connectivity Queries on Fully-dynamic Undirected Graphs pdf, Q. Chen, O. Lachish, S. Helmer, M. H. Böhlen.
  • VLDBJ 2022, ABC of Order Dependencies pdf, P. Li, J. Szlichta, M. H. Böhlen, D. Srivastava.
  • VLDBJ 2022, Leveraging Range Joins for the Computation of Overlap Joins pdf, A. Dignös, M. H. Böhlen, J. Gamper, C. S. Jensen, P. Moser.
  • ICDE 2021, Single Point Incremental Fourier Transform in Apache Flink pdf, M. Saad, A. Bernstein, M. H. Böhlen, D. Dell'Aglio.
  • PVLDB 2020, Dynamic Interleaving of Content and Structure for Robust Indexing of Semi-Structured Hierarchical Data pdf, K. Wellenzohn, M. H. Böhlen, S. Helmer.
  • SIGMOD 2020, A Relational Matrix Algebra and its Implementation in a Column Store pdf, O. Dolmatova, N. Augsten, M. H. Böhlen.
  • ICDE 2020, Generally Valid Queries on Databases with Ongoing Time Points pdf, Y. Mülle, M. H. Böhlen.
  • PVLDB 2019, Snapshot Semantics for Temporal Multiset Relations pdf, A. Dignös, B. Glavic, X. Niu, M. H. Böhlen, J. Gamper.
  • ICDE 2018, Supporting Set Operations in Temporal Probabilistic Databases pdf, K. Papaioannou, M. Theobald, M. Böhlen.
  • VLDBJ 2017, Disjoint Interval Partitioning pdf, F. Cafagna, M. Böhlen.
  • TODS 2016, Extending the Kernel of a Relational DBMS with Comprehensive Support for Sequenced Temporal Queries pdf, A. Dignös, M. H. Böhlen, J. Gamper, C. S. Jensen.
  • SIGMOD 2014, Overlap interval partition join pdf, A. Dignös, M. H. Böhlen, J. Gamper.
  • ICDE 2014, Memory-efficient Centroid Decomposition for Long Time Series pdf, M. Khayati, M. Böhlen and J. Gamper.
  • VLDBJ 2012, Measuring structural similarity of semistructured data based on information-theoretic approaches pdf, S. Helmer, N. Augsten, M. Böhlen.
  • VLDBJ 2012, Windowed pq-Grams for Approximate Joins of Data-Centric XML pdf, N. Augsten, C. Dyresen, M. Böhlen, J. Gamper.
  • SIGMOD 2012, Temporal Alignment pdf, A. Dignös, M. H. Böhlen, J. Gamper.
  • VLDBJ 2012, Parsimonious Temporal Aggregation pdf, J. Gordevicius, J. Gamper, M. Böhlen.
  • EDBT 2011, Sequenced Event Set Pattern Matching pdf, B. Cadonna, J. Gamper, M. Böhlen.
  • VLDBJ 2011, Sequenced Spatiotemporal Aggregation for Coarse Query Granularities pdf, I. Timko, M. Böhlen, J. Gamper.
  • ICDE 2010, TASM: Top-k Approximate Subtree Matching pdf, N. Augsten, D. Barbosa, M. Böhlen, T. Palpanas.
  • TODS 2010, The pq-Gram Distance between Ordered Labeled Trees pdf, N. Augsten, M. Böhlen, J. Gamper.
  • EDBT 2009, Parsimonious temporal aggregation pdf, J. Gordevicius, J. Gamper, M. Böhlen.
  • EDBT 2009, Sequenced Spatio-temporal Aggregation in Road Networks pdf, I. Timko, M. Böhlen, J. Gamper.
  • ICDE 2008, Approximate Joins for Data Centric XML pdf, N. Augsten, M. H. Böhlen, C. Dyreson, and J. Gamper.
  • TODS 2007, Estimating the selectivity of approximate string queries pdf, A. Mazeika, M. H. Böhlen, N. Koudas, and D. Srivastava.
  • VLDB 2006, An Incrementally Maintainable Index for Approximate Lookups in Hierarchical Data pdf, N. Augsten, M. Böhlen, J. Gamper.
  • EDBT 2006, Multi-Dimensional Aggregation for Temporal Data pdf, M. H. Böhlen, J. Gamper, C. S. Jensen.
  • VLDB 2005, Approximate Matching of Hierarchical Data Using pq-Grams pdf, N. Augsten, M. H. Böhlen, J. Gamper.
  • ICDE 2003, The Efficient Computation of Subqueries in Complex OLAP Queries pdf, M. O. Akinde, M. H. Böhlen.
  • EDBT 2002, Efficient OLAP Query Processing in Distributed Data Warehouses pdf, M. O. Akinde, M. H. Böhlen, T. Johnson, L. Lakshmanan, D. Srivastava.
  • TODS 2001, Querying ATSQL Databases with Temporal Logic pdf, J. Chomicki, D. Toman, M. H. Böhlen.
  • ICDE 2001, A Split Operator for Now-Relative Bitemporal Database s, M. Agesen, M. H. Böhlen, L. O. Poulsen, K. Torp.
  • TODS 2000, Temporal Statement Modifiers pdf, M. H. Böhlen, C. S. Jensen, R. T. Snodgrass.
  • TODS 2000, A Foundation for Representing and Querying Moving Object s, R. H. Güting, M. H. Böhlen, M. Erwig, C. S. Jensen, N. Lorentzos,M. Schneider, M. Vazirgiannis.
  • VLDB 1999, Capturing and Querying Multiple Aspects of Semistructured Data pdf, C. Dyreson, M. H. Böhlen, C. S. Jensen.
  • EDBT 1998, Minimizing Detail Data in Data Warehouses pdf, M. O. Akinde, O. G. Jensen, M. H. Böhlen.
  • ICDE 1998, Point-Versus Interval-Based Temporal Data Model s, M. H. Böhlen, R. Busatto, C. S. Jensen.
  • VLDB 1996, Coalescing in Temporal Databases pdf, M. H. Böhlen, R. T. Snodgrass, M. D. Soo.
  • EDBT 1996, Querying TSQL2 Databases with Temporal Logic pdf, M. H. Böhlen, J. Chomicki, R. T. Snodgrass, D. Toman.