2013 Program Committee Member of
2013 Organizing Co-Chair of
2011 Program Committee Member of
2010 Program Committee Member of
2007 Co-Reviewer of
- Various conference and journal papers.
Other Activities
- Attended the ICSE '13 International Conference on Software Engineering, 18.05.13 - 26.05.13, San Francisco (USA)
- Attended the ASDS'13 workshop on Augmenting Software Developer Support to Improve Productivity, 10.03.13 - 15.03.13, Ascona (Switzerland)
- Attended the ICSE '12 International Conference on Software Engineering, 2.06.13 - 9.06.13, Zurich (Switzerland)
- Attended the MSR '12 Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories, 2.06.13 - 3.06.13, Zurich (Switzerland)
- Attended the Future of Software Engineering Symposium, 22.11.10 - 23.09.10, Zurich (Switzerland)
- Attended the LASER Summer School on Empirical Software Engineering, 05.09.10 - 11.09.10, Elba (Italy)
- Co-Lectured the CASE Summer School on Empirical Analysis of Software Processes and Products, 19.07.10 - 23.07.10, Bolzano (Italy)
- Attended the ICSE '10 International Conference on Software Engineering, 02.05.10 - 08.05.10, Cape Town (South Africa)
- Attended the SUITE '10 workshop on Search-Driven Software Development, 1.05.10, Cape Town (South Africa)
- Attended the MSA '10 workshop on Mining Software Archives, 14.03.10 - 19.03.10, Ascona (Switzerland)
- Attended the ManCom workshop on Managing Complexity of Information and Communication Systems, 26.01.10 - 27.01.10, Konolfingen (Switzerland)
- Attended the Dagstuhl Seminar on Mining Programs and Processes, 02.12.07 - 07.12.07, Dagstuhl (Germany)
- Attended the WWDC '07 - The Apple Worldwide Developer Conference, 11.06.07-15.06.07, San Francisco (USA)