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Department of Informatics

Assistant Professorship in Cybersecurity (Tenure Track)

The Faculty of Business, Economics and Informatics of the University of Zurich invites applications for

Assistant Professorship in Cybersecurity (Tenure Track)

starting at the earliest in Fall 2024. Candidates applying for Assistant Professorship shall hold a Ph.D. in computer science, information systems, cybersecurity, or related areas, specializing in technical cybersecurity mechanisms or human factors in cybersecurity. They shall have an excellent record of academic achievements in the relevant fields and strong teaching skills at the undergraduate and graduate levels. The successful candidate is expected to perform research in any (but not limited to) of the following areas:

  • Security of software and development of secure systems,
  • Vulnerability assessment and intrusion detection,
  • Advanced threat intelligence and analytics,
  • Computer security and privacy from a societal perspective,
  • User-friendly digitally secured personal data and privacy platforms,
  • Human factors in cybersecurity, including cognitive biases and decision-making processes
  • User-Centered Security, addressing social engineering and phishing attacks,
  • Development of tailored interventions and solutions to effectively address human vulnerabilities.

The ideal candidate can focus on both the technical and the human aspects of research in cybersecurity, thus contributing to the development of holistic cybersecurity solutions that address the complex challenges faced by modern society across various sectors, such as communication, medicine, law, and the world of work. The performance evaluation will be undertaken in line with DORA and the Open Science Policy of the University of Zurich. The successful candidate will be an active member of the Department of Informatics at the University of Zurich and an affiliated member of the Digital Society Initiative at the University of Zurich.

Through its educational and research objectives, the University of Zurich aims at attracting leading international researchers who are willing to contribute to its development and to strengthening its reputation as a future-oriented university with excellence in research, promotion of young researchers and innovative research-based teaching. The University of Zurich is an equal opportunity employer and strives to increase the percentage of women in leading positions. Therefore, qualified female researchers are encouraged to apply.

Please submit your application including motivation letter, CV, publication list, research and teaching statement as well as a diversity and inclusion statement, and a list of references until November 15, 2023 at

Documents should be addressed to Prof. Dr. Harald Gall; Dean of the Faculty of Business, Economics and Informatics; University of Zurich; Switzerland. For further questions regarding the profile of the open position please contact Prof. Dr. Alberto Bacchelli (