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Department of Informatics Visualization and Multimedia Lab


Exploiting the Room Structure of Buildings for Scalable Architectural Modeling of Interiors

Claudio Mura and Renato Pajarola

Year: 2017
Research area: Point-based graphics
Type of Publication: Poster
Keywords: graphics, architecture, 3D reconstruction, point cloud, scanning, indoor scene reconstruction, segmentation, floor plans
Book title: Proceedings SIGGRAPH

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@inproceedings{MP:17, Author = {Mura, Claudio and Pajarola, Renato}, Booktitle = {Posters ACM SIGGRAPH}, Keywords = {graphics, architecture, 3D reconstruction, point cloud, scanning, indoor scene reconstruction, segmentation, floor plans}, Title = {Exploiting the Room Structure of Buildings for Scalable Architectural Modeling of Interiors}, Year = {2017}}

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