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Department of Informatics Requirements Engineering Research Group

ADORA Tool Licensing Policy

The ADORA Tool, (c) 1998 - 2006 by the Requirements Engineering Research Group, University of Zurich.

The ADORA Tool (in the following also referred to as Tool) has two licensing options, depending on the usage of the source code and it's distribution.

Our licensing options include:

  • GNU General Public License (GPL): In the case you are developing or distributing open source software containing the ADORA Tool or parts of it under the GPL license, you are free to use the ADORA Tool under the GPL license. copy of the GPL can be found here.
  • Commercial License: If you are developing and distributing a software which is under any other license than the GPL and contains the ADORA Tool or parts of it, in modified or unmodified form, we provide you with a commercial license.

Therefore, in the following cases you may use the Tool under the GPL license:

  • Running the ADORA Tool and use of the output of the Tool (e.g. ADORA models) for commercial or non-commercial purposes.
  • Modification of the ADORA Tool and internal use of the modified Tool without distribution or publication of the Tool. The internal use of the modified Tool may be for commercial or non-commercial purposes.
  • Distribution of the ADORA Tool or any derivative work of the ADORA Tool under a GPL license.

In the following case, a commercial license, which can be obtained from the address at the end of this licensing policy, is required:

  • Distribution of the ADORA Tool or any derivative work of the Tool under any other license than the GPL.


Further information or a commercial license can be obtained from Prof. Martin Glinz.

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