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Department of Informatics Requirements Engineering Research Group

Requirements Engineering I Assignments

The Requirements Engineering I course includes two assignments, which are based on a case study. The assignments are done in teams of 3 people, and the solutions must be submitted in English. After the assignments have been handed in, a discussion round is organized.

The content of the assignments and the assignments discussion are an integral part of the course.

The assignments deepen and complement the material included in the lectures. This way, they enable students to apply basic Requirements Engineering knowledge and skills on a practical case. These include requirements elicitation and presentation.

Note: In case you have not found an assignments partner/team, please send an e-mail to both Christoph Vogel and Parisa Ghazi. We will try to support you in arranging your work teams. However, we cannot guarantee to find a team mate in every case. Regardless, the assignment still has to be handed in before the deadline.


Parallel attendance of the Requirements Engineering I lectures.

Organisation of the Assignments

Assistant: Parisa Ghazi (course assistant)
Christoph Vogel (teaching assistant)
Language: English
Assignments discussion attendance: strongly recommended
Assignment Published Deadline Discussion
1. RE Activities, stakeholder identification, context diagram, specification process 18.09.2017 01.10.2017 16.10.2017
2. New sources of information, class diagram, scenario analysis 02.10.2017 15.10.2017 23.10.2017
Case Study

Please note that the assignments and the case study are no longer publicly available after the end of the semester. If you need access to them, please contact Martin Glinz.

Assignments Submission

For each team, submit only one solution. For each team member, specify the name, surname and matriculation number (Matrikelnummer). Moreover, clarify which team member contributed to which part of the assignment.
The following set of rules helps us in handling your solution more efficiently:

  • Submit your solution in PDF format, by e-mail, as specified in the assignment.
  • If your solution consists of more files, they will be archived as a ZIP file.
  • The name of the PDF/ZIP file should be: Assignment_N_Name1_Name2_Name3
  • Please do not use any special characters or letters (eg. Umlaut) in the file names.

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