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Department of Informatics Requirements Engineering Research Group

Footprinting Operations written in Kermeta

When executed on a model, a particular model operation rarely touches all elements contained in its input models. The set of elements touched during its execution forms its footprint. In [1], we motivate the use of footprints in modeling activities to detect problems with a model's scope or level of detail or the presence of fault in an operation.

We presented two approaches for footprinting operations: dynamic footprinting reveals the actual footprint of a model operation after its execution, while static footprinting estimates the footprint of an operation before its execution. To investigate the footprints of real-world models and evaluate the precision and efficiency of static footprinting, we conducted a case study and some experiments involving 75 Ecore models and 5 operations written in Kermeta:

This website provides access to the materials presented in [2] (implementation of algorithms, models and model operations) necessary to replicate the results presented in [1]. It does not contain a comprehensive introduction to footprints, neither a detailed presentation of algorithms involved in footprinting.

[1]C. Jeanneret, M. Glinz and B. Baudry (2011). Estimating Footprints of Model Operations. Proceedings of the 33rd International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2011). Honolulu, HI, USA. [pdf]

[2] C. Jeanneret, M. Glinz and B. Baudry (2011). Footprinting Operations Written in Kermeta. Technical Report IFI-2011.0002, University of Zurich, 2011. [pdf]


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