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Department of Informatics Informatics and Sustainability Research


This websites shows selected outrach presentations of Jan Bieser.

Creative Through AI: How artificial intelligence can support the development of new ideas

Presentation by Jan Bieser on artificial intelligence and creativity at the conference Discovery on Steroids: How AI accelerates innovation.


Digital Times: In Search of the Time Gained

Presentation on the impact of information and communication technology on time use at the 72nd International Retail Summit 2022.


Next generation mobile networks (5G): Problem or opportunity for climate protection?

Presentation and panel discussion at the European 5G Conference 2021 organized by Forum Europe.

Conference Video

Home Office: Chancen und Risiken für den Klimaschutz

Presentation at the Business Lunch of the "Klimaplatttform der Wirtschaft Zürich" on opportunities and risks of working from home for climate protection.

Event Video

Chancen und Risiken der Digitalisierung für den Umweltschutz

Keynote at the workshop "Die digitale Welt nachhaltig gestalten" organized by Bern University of Applied Sciences.

Workshop Video

Environmental impacts of co-working

Presentation at the virtual conference on remote colloaboration (RemoteCon) organized by EPFL Lausanne.

Video (1:53:40) Conference

Chancen und Risiken der Digitalisierung für den Klimaschutz

Presentation at the Winterkongress Digiale Gesellschaft 2021 in Switzerland.

Conference  Video

Further presentations

  • 5G Netze: Chancen und Risiken für den Klimaschutz. 67. Lunch Forum of asut, the Swiss Telecommunications Association, 2021. Virtual event. Slides

  • Chancen und Risiken der Digitalisierung für den Klimaschutz. Effizienz in Serverräumen und Rechenzentren. asut and EnergieSchweiz. Bern, Switzerland. Slides

  • Digitalisierung und Nachhaltigkeit. Enviroswiss 2020. Switzerland.

  • Indirect effects of digitalization on the environment. LCA Discussion Forum 2019. Wädenswil, Switzerland. Video

  • Visual exploration of time use data to support environmental assessment of lifestyles. 41st International Association for Time Use Research Conference 2019. Washington D.C., USA. 

  • Digitalization and sustainability: Convincing faculty to connect virtually. UAS Spring Campus Conference 2019. FU Berlin. Berlin, Germany.

  • SDGs at University of Zurich. SDGs & Universities Workshop. Sustainable Built Environment Conference 2019. TU Graz. Graz, Austria.

  • Sichere Digitalisierung: ökonomisch, sozial und ökologisch verantwortlich. Swiss Green Economy Symposium 2018. Winterthur, Switzerland.

  • Digitalisierung und Klimaschutz. Swiss Green Economy Symposium 2017. Winterthur, Switzerland.