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Department of Informatics Informatics and Sustainability Research

How to Align Digitalization with Sustainability?

The relationship between digital technologies and sustainable development has been guiding the research and teaching of the ISR group since it was founded in 2010 by Prof. Lorenz Hilty. We study both the opportunities and the risks of digitalization for sustainable development.


  • Guidance for tomorrow’s technology

    The Swiss Academy of Engineering Sciences (SATW) published their «Technology Outlook» - an interdisciplinary view on tomorrow's technology. Dr. Ning Wang contributed.

  • Fundamental aspects of computing explained in Swiss German

    Participants in our seminar "Paradigmen der Informatik" (Paradigms of Informatics) have produced a podcast in which they discuss theoretical and philosophical aspects of computing in their native language for interested laypeople. If you understand Swiss German, have a listen!

  • Cities in the Age of AI

    Dr. Ning Wang spoke at the 3rd event of the event series Swissnex hold as part of its 20th anniversary program "Metropolis: Sustainable Futures Under Construction".

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An international panel of experts working to convince policymakers that digitilization needs to be refocused to support sustainable development.

The first ICT for Sustainability conference initiated and organized by the ISR Group in Zurich 2013 developed into the main international conference series in this field.