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Department of Informatics Visualization and Multimedia Lab


Feature sensitive re-sampling of point set surfaces with gaussian spheres.

Y.-W. Miao, J. Bösch, Renato Pajarola, M. Gopi, and J.-Q. Feng.
Year: 2012
Research area: Point Based Graphics
Type of Publication: Article
Keywords: graphics, geometry, point-based, sampling, simplification, surface reconstruction
Book title: SCIENCE CHINA Information Science
Pages: 55(9):2075–2089

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@article{MBPGF:12, Author = {Yong-Wei Miao and B{\"o}sch, Jonas and Pajarola, Renato and M. Gopi and Jie-Qing Feng}, Journal = {SCIENCE CHINA Information Science}, Keywords = {graphics, geometry, point-based, sampling, simplification, surface reconstruction}, Month = {September}, Number = {9}, Pages = {2075--2089}, Title = {Feature Sensitive Re-sampling of Point Set Surfaces with Gaussian Spheres}, Volume = {55}, Year = {2012}}

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