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Department of Informatics

IfI Summer Courses 2017

Dates and Location

There will be two one day summer courses on Tuesday, June 27 and Wednesday, June 28, 2017.

Both courses start at 9:00 hrs, until 17:00 hrs.
Location: BIN 2.A.01

ECTS Credits

For IfI PhD students, each course will be accredited with 1.0 ECTS credit. Please see below for the categories each course will be accredited to.

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Machine Learning for Natural Language

Speaker: Prof. Dr. Mark Fishel, University of Tartu, Estonia


This 1-day crash-course will give an introduction to machine learning methods with examples from natural language processing. We will talk about the general idea of learning from data, the used algorithms and data structures, machine learning methods like probabilistic modelling, logistic regression. Special attention will be put on neural networks and deep learning. In the second half of the day we will look at the approaches to representing and modelling text data and will look at tasks such as language modelling, text classification, sequence processing and machine translation. Each topic will include a lecture on the theoretical aspects and a practical session letting the participants try the introduced methods hands-on. Participants are expected to be comfortable with algorithms, data structures and programming in general, Python in particular, also basic probability theory and calculus.


Mark Fishel graduated with a PhD thesis on "Optimizing Statistical Machine Translation via Input Modification" from the University of Tartu in 2011. Subsequently he was a PostDoc at the Institute of Computational Linguistics at the University of Zurich working on Machine Translation in the SUMAT and MODERN projects. Since 2015 Mark has been the head of the natural language processing group at the Institute of Computer Science, University of Tartu, Estonia. His work includes research and industrial collaborations in the areas of machine translation and computational language learning.

ECTS Credits

1.0 ECTS to "Doctoral Courses"

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Code Review: Best Practices

Speaker: Dr. Stefano Pellegrini, Google Inc.


It has become increasingly clear that the benefits of incorporating code reviews into software development routines outweigh the costs. As a result, modern code reviews are regularly adopted by open source software communities, big corporations and even start-ups. In this course we will discuss what code reviews are, where they come from and how best practices and a healthy culture can maximize their usefulness. Together with the theory, we will have practice sessions where the focus will be on coding and reviewing exercises.


Stefano Pellegrini received his Ph.D. from the ETH Zurich in 2012 with a dissertation on modeling and tracking pedestrian interactions for computer vision. He joined Google in the same year as a Software Engineer. He works on context understanding in natural conversations for the Google Assistant.

ECTS Credits

1.0 ECTS to "Doctoral Courses" or to "Research Methodology"

IfI PhD students can choose between the two categories (to be determined at registration).

AIMS Lab Classes, July 10, 12, and 13

You are invited to attend actively any of the following half day lab sessions, each of which contains a basic introduction and hands-on exercises. For registered IfI Ph.D. students such a registration is for free and will bear ECTS points (0.5 ECTS per class, Category: Doctoral Seminars). The courses will be run in BIN 2.A.01 and would need a laptop of yours to be brought in.

Monday July 10, 2017, 14-17.30 hours:
Martin Drašar, CSIRT-MU, Masaryk University, Czech Republic
"Hacking Your Way to Safety - A Beginner's Guide to Security Games"

Wednesday July 12, 2017, 9-12.30 hours:
Thomas Bocek, Moritz Schneider, University of Zürich, Switzerland
"Programming Smart Contracts"

Thursday July 13, 2017, 14-17.30 hours:
Salvatore Signorello, SnT, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg and Loria, University of Nancy, France, and Jérôme François, INRIA, France
"Programming Data Planes in P4 - A High-level Language for Packet Processors"

The detailed course descriptions are available at


The Summer Courses 2017 are open to doctoral students in computer science and related fields from the University of Zurich.

Preference will be given to IfI PhD students and research assistants and other participants will be admitted on a first-come-first-served basis.

IfI PhD students will receive a registration link by e-mail.

External students may participate as well. For further information please contact Barbara Jost.

Registration will close on June 21, 2017

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