****************** Installation of Lexem Importer (Linux install)********************** tested on postgres 8.4.4 (32 Bit) REQUIREMENTS: - postgreSQL 8.4.4 installed - postgreSQL programs (initdb, psql etc.) in PATH (check with env) - postgres_src_path: path to source code that includes config, contrib, doc, src etcetera WITH INSTALL SCRIPT: 0. call install_src.sh: mkdir ~/qImporter unzip qImporter.zip -d ~/qImporter cd ~/qImporter chmod a+x install_src.sh ./install_src.sh postgres_src_path 1. start postgres server: pg_ctl -D ~/qvestorDB start 2. import tokens (NOTE: SQL SCRIPT MUST BE CHANGED; ABSOLUTE PATH TO TEST FILE MUST BE PROVIDED): psql -d qvestor -f ~/qImporter/import_tokens.sql 3. stop postgreSQL server: pg_ctl -D ~/qvestorDB stop MANUALLY: 0. change Makefile in contrib folder: sed 's/WANTED_DIRS = \\/WANTED_DIRS = \\\n\t\t qImporter\\/' postgres_src_path/contrib/Makefile > postgres_src_path/contrib/Makefile_new cp postgres_src_path/contrib/Makefile_new postgres_src_path/contrib/Makefile rm postgres_src_path/contrib/Makefile_new 1. create directory in contrib & unzip src archive: mkdir postgres_src_path/contrib/qImporter unzip qImporter.zip -d postgres_src_path/contrib/qImporter 2. call make: cd postgres_src_path/contrib/qImporter make 3. initialize the database: initdb -D ~/qvestorDB 4. copy shared object to database folder: cp qImporter.so ~/qvestorDB 5. start postgreSQL server: pg_ctl -D ~/qvestorDB start 6. create database: createdb -h localhost qvestor 7. create token table: psql -d qvestor -f ~/qImporter/createTokTab.sql 8. register function: psql -d qvestor -f ~/qImporter/qImporter.sql 9. import tokens (NOTE: SQL SCRIPT MUST BE CHANGED; ABSOLUTE PATH TO TEST FILE MUST BE PROVIDED): psql -d qvestor -f ~/qImporter/import_tokens.sql 10. stop postgreSQL server: pg_ctl -D ~/qvestorDB stop