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Department of Informatics

Representatives and Body Associations

Representative Bodies (Ständevertretungen) at the University of Zurich

In accordance with the University Act and University Statutes there are four representative bodies at the University of Zurich:

  • Representative Body of Students VSUZH (Verband der Studierenden der Universität Zürich – BSc, MSc, Teaching Diploma)
  • Representative Body of Junior Researchers VAUZ (Vereinigung Akademischer Mittelbau der Universität Zürich – PhD candidates, student assistants, teaching and research assistants, post-docs, etc.)
  • Representative Body of Senior Researchers and Teaching Staff VFFL (Vereinigung der fortgeschrittenen Forschenden und Lehrenden – academic associates, external lecturers, etc.)
  • Representative Body of Administrative and Technical Staff V-ATP (administrative and technical personnel)

Delegates from these Representative Bodies are elected and have the right (and sometimes, the duty) to take part in decision-making at UZH in various commissions and committees, on different levels. For details on the organization of the Representative Bodies please refer to this page.

Representatives at the Department level

The Delegates for the Representative Bodies at IfI are:

Representatives at the Faculty level

The Delegates for the Representative Bodies at the Faculty of Business, Economics and Informatics who are also members of IfI are:

Further University Organs with Delegates from the Representative Bodies

There are many other University Organs where Delegates from the Representative Bodies are engaged in, such as the Senate, the Board of the University, the Extended Executive Board of the University, as well as various commissions and ad-hoc committees (e.g., for professorial appointments).

General Note

Representatives defend and safeguard collective interests of the mid-level faculty (PhD Students, Post-Docs, Junior and Senior Research Assistants) in various Department and University bodies as well as through informal contacts.

However, there are important issues which lie outside of their responsibility. If you have a conflict with your colleagues, students, or supervisors, you should consider contacting the Academic Integrity Officers of the IfI (at the bottom of the page). In case of formal questions concerning your dissertation, employment, or organisational processes, please consult the responsible administrative and academic staff: PhD Team and Advisory Service, IfI Administrative Resources (German only), Human Resources Information (German only).

If you are unsure whom to contact, the academic coordinator or any member of the administrative staff will assist you.

To contact all PhD and Post-Doc representatives at once, use the following email address: